otoprotector - presidiootosanitario act to protect the ears during swimming and divingFORTUNATO GIULIO
otoprotector - presidiootosanitario act to protect the ears during swimming and divingthe otoprotector is a garrison otosanitario act to protect the ears during swimming and diving, all damage caused by such activities.FORTUNATO GIULIO
FG pectenotoxin segment via alkylphosphonium nBuLi HMPA Z-select Wittig add O-TBS protect a-hydroxyaldehydeBrimble, M M
Anniko, "Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nitric oxide synthase inhibitor protect the vestibular organ against gentamicin ototoxicity," Acta Oto- Laryngologica, vol. 122, no. 1, pp. 10-15, 2002.Takumida M,Anniko M.Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nitric oxide synthase inhibitor protect ...
Reid B. AdamsMosby, Inc.Gastrointestinal EndoscopyKahaleh M, Hall JD, Kohli A, Alaguero CC, Ferre SA, De La Rue SA, et al. (2007) Does cholecystectomy protect from recurrent gallstone pancreatitis after biliary sphincterotomy? A prospective study (abstract). Gastrointest.Endosc. 65:AB223...
Anniko, "Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nitric oxide synthase inhibitor protect the vestibular organ against gentamicin ototoxicity," Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2002, vol. 122, no. 1, pp. 10-15.Takumida M,Anniko M.Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nitric oxide synthase inhibitor protect ...