Despite evidence of the antioxidant effects of fucoidan, research on its otoprotective effects remains limited. Therefore, the present study investigated the otoprotective effects of fucoidan in vitro using the mouse cochlear cell line UB/OC-2 to develop new strategies to attenuate cisplat...
Oxidative stress-induced apoptosis of cochlear sensory cells: otoprotective strategies. Int J Devel Neurosci 2000;18:259 -70.HUANG T, CHENG A, STUPAK H, LIU W, KIM A, STAECKER H, LEFEBVRE PP, MALGRANGE B, KOPKE R , MOONEN G, VAN DE WATER T. Oxidative stress-induced apoptosis of ...
Therefore, establishing a local administration strategy contributes to the otoprotection without affecting the effect of cisplatin. This review introduces the pathology of ototoxicity caused by cisplatin, and focuses on recent developments in the mechanisms and protective strategies of cisplatin-induced ...
Mechanisms of hearing loss from trauma and inflammation: otoprotective therapies from the laboratory to the clinic. Acta Otolaryngol 2010; 130:308-11.Van De Water, T.R. et al. (2009) Mechanisms of hearing loss from trauma and inflammation: otoprotective therapies from the laboratory to the ...
Otoprotective effects of dexamethasone in the management of pneumococcal meningitis: an animal study. Laryngoscope 2007; 117:1209-15.Kim HH, Addison J, Suh E, Trune DR, Richter CP (2007) Otoprotective effects of dexamethasone in the management of pneumococcal meningitis: an animal study. ...
Cool OtOprotective Ear Lumen (COOL) Therapy for Cisplatin-induced Hearing LossKeywords CisplatinHypothermiaOtotoxicityHypothesis: Localized cooling of the external ear has a protective effect on the susceptibility to cisplatin-induced hearing loss. Background: We previously demonstrated significant protection ...
Ma, X. Zhao et al., 2013 Otoprotective effects of erythropoietin on Cdh23erl/erl mice. Neuroscience 237:1-6.Han F, Yu H, Zheng T, Ma X, Zhao X, Li P, Le L, Su Y and Zheng QY: Otoprotective effects of erythropoietin on Cdh23erl/erl mice. Neuroscience 237: 1‑6, ...
Otoprotective Effects of Stephania tetrandra S. Moore Herb Isolate against Acoustic Traumanoise-induced hearing losscalcium channelhair cellsspiral ganglion neuronssynapseNoise is the most common occupational and environmental hazard, and noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the second most common form ...
Otoprotective Agents for Prevention of Acquired Hearing Loss in HumansColleen G. Le Prell
We studied possible otoprotective effect of drugs widely used for the correction of perinatal hypoxic brain damage in premature infants. The experiments were carried out on immature rabbits with an immature hearing organ. The auditory function was assessed by DPOAE and ABR methods in intact animals ...