The fre- quency of human papillomavirus findings in normal oral mucosa of healthy people by PCR. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2010;76(1):78-84.Esquenazi D, Bussoloti Filho I, Carvalho Mda G, Barros FS. The frequency of human papillomavirus findings in normal oral mu- cosa of healthy people ...
Oral mucosa and dental findings in YushoOral pigmentationPolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBsPolychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFsBackground:Yusho is a disease caused by the ingestion of rice bran oil contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and related compounds. ...
with locally appliedtransforming growth factorβ3 and interleukin-11 are also promising. Based on the findings of the role of the inflammatory cascade in the response of normal tissues to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs might be beneficial. At the present time, no agent has ...
Ultrastructural finding in the oral mucosa of betel chewers. J Oral Pathol 1984;13:166-77.Reichart P, Boning W, Srisuwan S, Theetranont C, Mohr U. Ultrastructural findings in the oral mucosa of betel chewers. J Oral Pathol. 1984; 13(2): 166-77....
7M). In epithelium expanding from the grafts, a single surface layer of epithelial cells was K3-positive, as in the normal cornea (Fig. 7N). K13 was also positive in the epithelial layer (Fig. 7O), consistent with the findings in normal rabbit oral mucosa (Fig. 4). There was no ...
The results show that there were no local or systemic abnormal response to the two new β-type titanium alloys and that the histopathological findings were also normal. The two new β-type titanium alloys have no irritating response to oral mucous membrane.. 展开 关键词: β-type titanium ...
Physical examination result was variable, from an apparently normal mucosa, to an evident mass, or a mucosa with an adenotic or swollen appearance, ulcers, leukoplakic areas, and various combinations thereof. CT and MRI findings included diffuse thickening, a soft-tissue mass, calcification within...
there are differences in the microbiota between normal oral mucosa and patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma32. It has even been suggested that the oral microbiota may have an effect on developing pancreatic cancer, possibly mediated byP.gingivalis.P.gingivalishas also been linked to chronic in...
andfibronectinin fBMFs.24One of the recent studies showed that circRNA circEPSTI1 is sequentially increased from normal buccal mucosa to OSF to OSCC,37and it modulates EMT by binding to miR-942-5p and upregulating the expression of latent transforming growth factor-beta binding protein 2 (LTBP2...
While radiation is a local therapy and thus it is not expected to specifically alter the gut microbiome, cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents including cisplatin are known to induce damage of the intestinal mucosa and disrupt the microbiome, leading to increased risk of infections.33 The heterogeneity of...