The oral mucosa is a mucous membrane, which lines the oral cavity and merges into the surface epidermis on the lips and into the pharyngeal mucosa on the palatal arches. It is structured in a multi-layered, squamous epithelium and undermining connective tissue both of which show localization ...
Microscopic Anatomy of the Lips The microscopic anatomy of the lips consists primarily of 3 layers: the pars cutanea, pars intermedia, and pars mucosa. The pars cutanea is the outer layer ofskinSkinThe skin, also referred to as the integumentary system, is the largest organ of the body. ...
Besides the muscles, the other important feature of the tongue is its mucosa. The dorsal tongue mucosa is covered with lingual papillae which function as the sensory receptors for taste. There are four types: filiform, fungiform, vallatae and foliate papillae. The papillae have different shapes ...
The oral cavity consists of an outer vestibule and an inner oral cavity proper. It is bound anteriorly by the lips, laterally by the cheek mucosa, inferiorly by the floor of the mouth, posteriorly by the oropharynx, and superiorly by the hard and soft palate. In addition to being a site...
Top anatomy diagrams including images of human anatomy systems, human body, organs, bones and muscles
(color coded block-out)3D models Neutral male lips block-out3D models Mouth - BarrelImages Mouth - CurvatureImages The lips - Oral mucosa 2Images Female Lips – Forms and AnatomyVideo Female lips - 2nd Level Block-Out WorkflowVideo Ear Ear block-out L (2nd level)3D models Ear block-out ...
(14)mucosa粘膜 /mjuːˈkəʊsə/ (15)submucosa粘膜下层 /,sʌbmju:'kəusə/ (16)furrow褶皱 /ˈfʌrəʊ/ (17)parietal cell壁细胞 /pəˈraɪɪt(ə)l/ (18)mucous cell粘液细胞 /ˈmjuːkəs/
(Fig. 1-1). Knowledge of clinical aspects oforal diseasemust be correlated withoral anatomy: for example, recurrentaphthous ulcersoccur primarily on the nonkeratinizedmucosa, whereas recurrentherpes simplex infectionsoccur almost exclusively on the keratinized mucosa in immune-competent patients. The ...
In the most advanced cases, chronic bronchoconstriction and excess mucus production may result in smooth muscle hyperplasia and obstruction of the bronchi and bronchioles and infiltration of the airway mucosa by eosinophils. A syndrome known as canine asthma has been reported in dogs but is not as...
In another reconstructive application, the LAO has been employed as a pedicle for transferring regional flaps into nasal defects. The flap is raised via a nasolabial fold incision, which includes the skin, inferior LAO aspect, and intraoral mucosa if necessary. The flap is then tunneled into the...