SP2-0640: Not connected 解决方法: SQL> conn sys/ as sysdba; Enter password: Connected. SQL>
sql>输入conn sys/as sysdba Enter password: connected SQL> 再次输入命令,正常
SQL> select * from v$version; SP2-0640: Not connected 解决方法: SQL> conn sys/ as sysdba; Enter password: Connected. SQL>
ERROR: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE. SP2-0640: Not connectedCause The Oracle Listener process was not successfully created. This error indicates that the TNSNAMES.ora file was not created during the installatio...
1.su - oracle 切换到oracle用户 lsnrctl status 查看数据库监听状态 lsnrctl start 打开数据库监听 2.Connected to an idle instance sqlplus /nolog执行之后 进去sqlplus 需要输入:startup 启动数据库实例 3.sp2-0640:not connected 接下来要输入:conn /as sysdba 或者coon sys,提示输入密码:as sysdba 连接到sysd...
SP2-0640: Not connected SQL> conn / as sysdba ERROR: ORA-09925: Message 9925 not found; product=RDBMS; facility=ORA Linux-x86_64 Error: 30: Read-only file system Additional information: 9925 ORA-01075: you are currently logged on
另外,在解决上述问题过程中,还出现了像如下一样的错误:SQL>conn sysSQL>show parameterSP2-0640:Not connectedSQL>conn/assysdbaERROR:ORA-09925:Message9925not found;product=RDBMS;facility=ORALinux-x86_64 Error:30:Read-only file system Additional information:9925ORA-01075:you are currently logged onSQL>...
然后再启动Oracle,即可以了。第二,在上面的过程中,还可能会碰到如ORA-09925:Unableto create audit trail file这样的问题,均于<ORACLE_BASE>有关,修改之即可。另外,在解决上述问题过程中,还出现了像如下一样的错误:SQL>conn sysSQL>show parameterSP2-0640:NotconnectedSQL>conn/assysdba...
Sp2-0640:Not connected 挂起 SQLstartup *** 如果出现错误信息: ORA-01078:failucr in processing system parameters LRM-00109:could not open parametet file/opt/ora9/product/9.2/dbs/initora9i.or 执行: #cp /opt/ora9/admin/orcl/pfile/init.ora.613200412101 /opt/ora...
/NOLOG选项表示启动SQLPlus但不连接数据库 [oracle@localhost~]$ sqlplus/nologSQL*Plus:Release11. May2810:41:102019Copyright(c)1982,2009,Oracle.Allrights reserved.SQL>selectuserfromdual;SP2-0640:NotconnectedSQL> 关于登陆命令 sqlplus / as sysdba ...