SP2-0640: Not connected 解决方法: SQL> conn sys/ as sysdba; Enter password: Connected. SQL>
SP2-0640: Not connected 解决方法: SQL> conn sys/ as sysdba; Enter password: Connected. SQL>
sql>输入conn sys/as sysdba Enter password: connected SQL> 再次输入命令,正常
Without that specific information, SQL*Plus has no way to connect and generates the "SP2-0640: Not connected" error.Resolution Start the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant In Windows, navigate to Start > All Programs > Oracle-OraDb<version>_home1 > Configuration and Migration Tools > Net ...
hi my sqlplus get connection with user 'SYS', but when i want to connect it with scott/tiger , it gives the message 'the account is lock', when i unlock it it gives the error : sp2-0640: not connected vitaliy.natarov0Newbie Poster ...
. sqlplus connectsysassysdbaEnterpassword:password跑hr_main.sql脚本,创建HR用户以及用户下的表:SQL>...: invalid username/password; logon denied Warning: You are no longerconnectedtoORACLE.SP2-0640: Not linux系统下修改oracle数据库字符集 dual;SQL>;SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATESQL>;STARTUP MOUNTSQL>;ALTERSYSTEM...
Siebel CRM - Version 19.1 and later: Siebel Cloud Manager : Siebel Lift Utility (Container Mode) Fails With Error "Export DB process is failed" and "SP2-0640: Not co
首先是简单的:ORA-01918:用户'HR'不存在 脚本以一个预防性的drop user语句开始。您之前没有运行过该...
SQL 错误: ORA-01119: 创建数据库文件 ' F:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\orcl\GIMSsS.dbf' ...