登陆Oracle数据库的时候 不管输入任何SQL语句都提示如下: SQL> select * from v$version; SP2-0640: Not connected 解决方法: SQL> conn sys/ as sysdba; Enter password: Connected. SQL>
登陆Oracle数据库的时候 不管输入任何SQL语句都提示如下: SQL> select * from v$version; SP2-0640: Not connected 解决方法: SQL> conn sys/ as sysdba; Enter password: Connected. SQL>
sql>输入conn sys/as sysdba Enter password: connected SQL> 再次输入命令,正常
When creating an Oracle user, you execute oracle_create_user.sql from SQL*Plus, and the following stream of errors appears. You are logged in as SYS as SYSDBA. ERROR: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE. SP2...
2023-11-21 09:46:51,100 - __main__ - INFO - Executing command :: [./ExportDB -s /usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client/bin -t Siebel20 -p *** -d https://XXX-YYY-ZZZ:1521 -f /liftstage -m YES -n 1 -l /siebelliftutility/logs -b /liftstage -c Y] 2023-...
oracle 19c创建sample schema-HR,OE,SH等等 . sqlplus connectsysassysdbaEnterpassword:password跑hr_main.sql脚本,创建HR用户以及用户下的表:SQL>...: invalid username/password; logon denied Warning: You are no longerconnectedtoORACLE.SP2-0640: Not ...
but when i want to connect it with scott/tiger , it gives the message 'the account is lock', when i unlock it it gives the error : sp2-0640: not connected vitaliy.natarov0Newbie Poster 10 Years Ago http://linux-notes.org/ustanovka-java-oracle-11g-na-debian-ubuntu-mint/ ...