登陆Oracle数据库的时候 不管输入任何SQL语句都提示如下: SQL> select * from v$version; SP2-0640: Not connected 解决方法: SQL> conn sys/ as sysdba; Enter password: Connected. SQL>
sql>输入conn sys/as sysdba Enter password: connected SQL> 再次输入命令,正常
登陆Oracle数据库的时候 不管输入任何SQL语句都提示如下: SQL> select * from v$version; SP2-0640: Not connected 解决方法: SQL> conn sys/ as sysdba; Enter password: Connected. SQL>
SP2-0640: Not connected Cause The Oracle Listener process was not successfully created. This error indicates that the TNSNAMES.ora file was not created during the installation process. Specifying the local service will create a TNSNAMES.ora file which can be used as one of the methods for r...
2023-11-21 09:46:51,100 - __main__ - INFO - Executing command :: [./ExportDB -s /usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client/bin -t Siebel20 -p *** -d https://XXX-YYY-ZZZ:1521 -f /liftstage -m YES -n 1 -l /siebelliftutility/logs -b /liftstage -c Y] 2023-...
oracle 19c创建sample schema-HR,OE,SH等等 . sqlplus connectsysassysdbaEnterpassword:password跑hr_main.sql脚本,创建HR用户以及用户下的表:SQL>...: invalid username/password; logon denied Warning: You are no longerconnectedtoORACLE.SP2-0640: Not ...
but when i want to connect it with scott/tiger , it gives the message 'the account is lock', when i unlock it it gives the error : sp2-0640: not connected vitaliy.natarov0Newbie Poster 10 Years Ago http://linux-notes.org/ustanovka-java-oracle-11g-na-debian-ubuntu-mint/ ...