revoke unlimited tablespace from java;--收回用户的unlimited tablespace权限 alter user java quota 0 on users;--针对alter … quota unlimited …; --如果用户已经被授予了unlimited tablespace权限的话,那么alter user java quota 0 on users;限制是不起作用的 四:表空间已删除,关于表空间配额信息还存在 表空...
grant unlimited tablespace to java;--不对用户作配额限制 alter user java quota unlimited on users;--对指定表空间不做限额 alter user java quota 1000m on users;--指定用户在某表空间限制 revoke unlimited tablespace from java;--收回用户的unlimited tablespace权限 alter user java quota 0 on users;--...
(1) alter user USERNAME quota 100M on TABLESPACENAME; (2) alter user USERNAME quota unlimited on TABLESPACENAME; (3) grant unlimited tablespace to USERNAME; quota是为了限制用户对表空间的使用 比如你限制用户a在tablespace a中的quota为10m,当用户a在tablespace a中的数据量达到10m后,无论你的tablespace...
By default, a user has no quota on any tablespace in the database. If the user has the privilege to create a schema object, then you must assign a quota to allow the user to create objects. At a minimum, assign users a quota for the default tablespace, and additional quotas for other...
QUOTA 500K ON data_ts TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp_ts PROFILE clerk; --在创建用户的时候,就指定用户在特定表空间上的配额 You can assign a user either individual quotas for a specific amount of disk space in each tablespace or an unlimited amount of disk space in all tablespaces.Specific quotas pre...
sql> alter tablespace app_data add datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\app_data01.dbf'size 200m sql> autoextend on next 10m maxsize 500m; 9.change the size fo data files manually sql> alter database datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\app_data.dbf'resize 200m; ...
复制代码 授予用户表空间权限: ALTER USER username QUOTA UNLIMITED ON tablespace_name; 复制代码 给用户授予权限: GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO username; 复制代码 这样就创建了一个新的表空间并为用户授予了相应的权限。可以根据具体需求修改表空间的大小、用户的权限等。 0 赞 0 踩...
select any table 查询任何表的权限 select on username.nook 查询某用户的book表的权限 一般来说,普通用户授予connect和resource角色就好,如果是管理员需要给dba权限 对于普哦用户操作表时报错‘[Err] ORA-01950: 对表空间 'xxx' 无权限’,需要执行以下语句alter user username quota unlimited on tablespace_name;...
sql> alter tablespace app_data add datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\app_data01.dbf' size 200m sql> autoextend on next 10m maxsize 500m; 9.change the size fo data files manually sql> alter database datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\app_data.dbf' resize 200m; ...