@文心快码ora-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'users' 文心快码 作为Comate,我很乐意帮助你解答关于ORA-01536错误的问题。下面我将根据提供的Tips进行回答: 1. 解释ORA-01536错误的含义 ORA-01536错误是Oracle数据库中的一个常见错误,其含义是“表空间'users'的空间配额已超出”。这通常意味着在指定的...
解析器会自动将语句转换为“grant resource to abc”自动变为“grant resource,unlimited tablespace to abc”并且将“revoke resource from abc”自动变为“revoke resource, unlimited tablespace from abc”。
解析器会自动将语句转换为“grant resource to abc”自动变为“grant resource,unlimited tablespace to abc”并且将“revoke resource from abc”自动变为“revoke resource, unlimited tablespace from abc”。
This technote explains an error in IBM® Rational® ClearQuest®, where trying to check in a schema, modify records or create new records; you receive the error "ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace". Cause The tablespace in Oracle, that this database is using, had a hard ...
PDO的错误为 : OCIStmtExecute: ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'AMSZJK' (显示PDO错误信息:print_r($pdo->errorInfo()); ) 经查询到的资料: 该问题是由于用户在使用表空间时候受到了权限的限制,解决方案很简单,修改这个用户的使用这个表空间的空间的权限就可以了。
// space or have a privileged user increase the quota on this // tablespace for the segment owner. 用户表空间配额不足。有点奇怪,不过还是先解决问题,解决问题有三种方法: 方法一:SQL> alteruser user_name quota unlimited on tablespace_name; ...
ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'SMALLTS' Now to fix it , increase the quota for that user. SQL> alter user DBACLASS quota 50M on SMALLTS; User altered. SQL> select tablespace_name,username,bytes/1024/1024,max_bytes/1024/1024 from dba_ts_quotas where username='DBACLASS'...
Apply OS: Windows, macOS, Linux Apply Navicat Product: Navicat for Oracle, Navicat Premium Apply Navicat Version No.: All Solution ...
PDO的错误为: OCIStmtExecute: ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'AMSZJK'(显⽰PDO错误信息:print_r($pdo->errorInfo()); )经查询到的资料:该问题是由于⽤户在使⽤表空间时候受到了权限的限制,解决⽅案很简单,修改这个⽤户的使⽤这个表空间的空间的权限就可以了。oracle提供...
ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'TFR_DATA' # alter user tfr quota unlimited on TFR_DATA; grant unlimited tablespace to tfr 表空间配额不足 方法一:SQL> alteruser user_name quota unlimited on tablespace_name; 方法二:SQL> alteruser user_name quota 100M on tablespace_name; ...