@文心快码ora-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'users' 文心快码 作为Comate,我很乐意帮助你解答关于ORA-01536错误的问题。下面我将根据提供的Tips进行回答: 1. 解释ORA-01536错误的含义 ORA-01536错误是Oracle数据库中的一个常见错误,其含义是“表空间'users'的空间配额已超出”。这通常意味着在指定的...
ERRORatline 1: ORA-01536:spacequota exceededfortablespace'TBS_TEST_DATA' 那么为什么出现这种情况呢? 其实刚开始我也有点懵,检查表空间发现表空间正常,检查RESOURCE角色,发现里面没有关于表空间的配额限制。怎么回收RESOURCE角色,就整出这么一档子事呢?那么到底是怎么一回事呢,直到我看到Doc ID 465737.1才豁然开朗。
ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace案例 最近在做数据治理的过程中,回收了部分账号的权限,因为角色RESOURCE里拥有CREATE TABLE的权限,所以我想回收RESOURCE角色。例如,对于TEST账号,收回其创建表的权限,就收回了授予其的RESOURCE的角色,结果不到几小时,SUPPORT人员就反馈这个账号遇到了ORA-01536错误。开始还有...
一Oracle数据库,可查询可更新,但无法插入数据。 PDO的错误为 : OCIStmtExecute: ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'AMSZJK' (显示PDO错误信息:print_r($pdo->errorInfo()); ) 经查询到的资料: 该问题是由于用户在使用表空间时候受到了权限的限制,解决方案很简单,修改这个用户的使用这个表空间的...
01536, 00000, "space quota exceededfor tablespace '%s'" // *Cause: The space quota for the segment owner in the tablespace has // been exhausted and the operation attempted the creation of a // new segment extent in the tablespace. ...
This technote explains an error in IBM® Rational® ClearQuest®, where trying to check in a schema, modify records or create new records; you receive the error "ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace". Cause The tablespace in Oracle, that this database is using, had a hard ...
Apply OS: Windows, macOS, Linux Apply Navicat Product: Navicat for Oracle, Navicat Premium Apply Navicat Version No.: All Solution ...
ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'TFR_DATA' # alter user tfr quota unlimited on TFR_DATA; grant unlimited tablespace to tfr 表空间配额不足 方法一:SQL> alteruser user_name quota unlimited on tablespace_name; 方法二:SQL> alteruser user_name quota 100M on tablespace_name; ...
ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'SMALLTS' SOLUTION: Tablespace quota is the storage allocated for an user in a tablespace. Once the user reaches the max allocated space it will throw error like this. SQL> select tablespace_name,username,bytes/1024/1024,max_bytes/1024/1024 from...
PDO的错误为: OCIStmtExecute: ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'AMSZJK'(显⽰PDO错误信息:print_r($pdo->errorInfo()); )经查询到的资料:该问题是由于⽤户在使⽤表空间时候受到了权限的限制,解决⽅案很简单,修改这个⽤户的使⽤这个表空间的空间的权限就可以了。oracle提供...