ALTER USER是Oracle数据库中的一个命令,用于修改现有用户的属性和权限。它可以用来更改用户的密码、授权和角色等信息。具体用法如下: 语法: ALTER USER username IDENTIFIED BY password; ALTER USER username DEFAULT TABLESPACE tablespace_name; ALTER USER username QUOTA {size|UNLIMITED} ON tablespace_name; ALTER ...
Oracle credits the amount of the released space to the user quota for the tablespace in which the deallocation occurs. Oracle deallocates unused space from the end of the object toward the high water mark at the beginning of the object. If an extent is completely contained in the deallocation...
tablespace allocation of any users who have been assigned the tablespace as either a default or temporary tablespace. While the tablespace is offline, such users cannot allocate space for objects or sort areas in the tablespace. SeeALTER USERfor more information on allocating tablespace quota to ...
安全监管监察部门在作出行政处罚决定前,应当填写行政处罚告知书,告知当事人作出行政处罚决定的事实、理由、依据,以及当事人依法享有的权利,并送达当事人。当事人应当在收到行政处罚告知书之日起3日进行述、申辩,或者依法提出听证要求,逾期视为放弃上述权利。( )
The ALTER TABLESPACE operation on a row-store table cannot be performed in a transaction block. To change the owner, you must also be a direct or indirect member of the new owning role. Ifnew_owneris the same asold_owner, the current user will not be verified. A message indicating succe...
default temporary tablespace temp C. quota 100M on users D. identified by oracle 答案 B相关推荐 1检查下面的SQL 语句,哪一项是错误的?( )Alter user tempuser identified by oracle default tablespace usersdefault temporary tablespace temp quota 100M on users; A. default tablespace users B. default ...
revoke unlimited tablespace from [USER]; 查看用户缺省表空间:select username,default_tablespace from user_users; alter user [USER] quota 10m on users;。我们想让新建用户拥有对scott.emp表的查询权限:grant select on scott.emp to [USER]; 我们想让新建用户拥有对scott的建立表操作:grant create any ...
ALTERUSERscott QUOTA UNLIMITEDONtblspace1; UNLIMITED 키워드를 사용하여 기본 테이블스페이스 용량을무제한으로 할당할 수 있다. 임시 테이블 스페이스변경 ALTERUSERscott TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp1; ...
2. Oracle limits the amount of space that can be allocated for storage of a user's objects within the specified tablespace to the amount of the quota.By default, a user has no quota on any tablespace in the database. If the user has the privilege to create a schema ...
以下()角色自动具有UNLIMITED TABLESPACE系统权限。 A.CONNECT B.RESOURCE C.DBA 单项选择题 从()数据字典中可以查看到用户信息。 A.dba_temp_files B.dba_data_files C.dba_users D.dba_ts_quotas 单项选择题 用户James在表空间USERS中建了一个表JOBS,当执行了命令ALTER USER James QUOTA 0ON USERS,在JOBS...