tablespace Specify the name of the tablespace to be altered. Restrictions on Altering Tablespaces Altering tablespaces is subject to the following restrictions: If tablespace is an undo tablespace, then the only other clauses you can specify in this statement are ADD DATAFILE, RENAME DATAFILE, RENAME...
Oracle credits the amount of the released space to the user quota for the tablespace in which the deallocation occurs. Oracle deallocates unused space from the end of the object toward the high water mark at the beginning of the object. If an extent is completely contained in the deallocation...
ALTER USER MAX70TEST QUOTA UNLIMITED ON MAXDATA;修改用户配额无限maxdata max70test 双语对照 例句:1.The default is zero, which means that unlimited user connections are allowed.默认值为零,表示对用户连接数量没有限制。
ALTER USER username [IDENTIFIED {BY password | EXTERNALLY | GLOBALLY} ] [DEFAULT TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [TEMPORARY TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [QUOTA [integer[K | M] | UNLIMITED] ON tablespace_name] [PROFILE profile_name] [DEFAULT ROLE { [role_name[,role_name ...]] | [ALL [EXCEPT ...
The ALTER TABLESPACE operation on a row-store table cannot be performed in a transaction block. To change the owner, you must also be a direct or indirect member of the new owning role. Ifnew_owneris the same asold_owner, the current user will not be verified. A message indicating succe...
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp QUOTA 10m ON users PASSWORD EXPIRE ACCOUNT LOCK; --修改yong2密码为inspur123,并给用户解锁。 ALTER USER yong2 IDENTIFIED BY inspur123; ALTER USER yong2 ACCOUNT UNLOCK; --给用户yong2授予创建会话的权限 GRANT create session TO yong2; ...
user. This quota is the maximum space in tablespace that can be allocated for objects in the user's schema. You can use K or M to specify the quota in kilobytes or megabytes. You need not have quota on the tablespace to establish a quota on the tablespace for ...
2. Oracle limits the amount of space that can be allocated for storage of a user's objects within the specified tablespace to the amount of the quota.By default, a user has no quota on any tablespace in the database. If the user has the privilege to create a schema...
检查 下面的 SQL 语句,哪一 项是 错误 的?( ) Alter user tempuser identified by oracle default tablespace users default temporary tablespace temp quota 100M on users;A.default tablespace usersB.default temporary tablespace tempC.quota 100M on usersD.ident
D.executeALTERUSER..QUOTAUNLIMITEDONpublisher_tbscommandforallofthethreeusers E.createrolewithUNLIMITEDTABLESPACEsystemprivilegeandassigntheroletoallofthethreeusers 点击查看答案 第7题 AcustomerneedstoimplementaHighlyAvailablesolutionforJMSthathasaprimarydatacenterandabackup.Whichthreestepswouldyouperformwhendesigning...