ALTER USER MAX70TEST QUOTA UNLIMITED ON MAXDATA;修改用户配额无限maxdata max70test 双语对照 例句:1.The default is zero, which means that unlimited user connections are allowed.默认值为零,表示对用户连接数量没有限制。
for existing objects in the user's schema in the tablespace, no more space in the tablespace can be allocated to objects in the schema. Note that an ALTER USER statement can contain multiple QUOTA clauses for multiple tablespaces. UNLIMITED places no limit on the space in the tablespace alloc...
tablespace Specify the name of the tablespace to be altered. Restrictions on Altering Tablespaces Altering tablespaces is subject to the following restrictions: If tablespace is an undo tablespace, then the only other clauses you can specify in this statement are ADD DATAFILE, RENAME DATAFILE, RENAME...
ALTER USER username [IDENTIFIED {BY password | EXTERNALLY | GLOBALLY} ] [DEFAULT TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [TEMPORARY TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [QUOTA [integer[K | M] | UNLIMITED] ON tablespace_name] [PROFILE profile_name] [DEFAULT ROLE { [role_name[,role_name ...]] | [ALL [EXCEPT ...
ALTERTABLESPACEtablespace_nameSET({tablespace_option=value}[,...]); ALTERTABLESPACEtablespace_nameRESET({tablespace_option}[,...]); The syntax of setting the quota of a tablespace is as follows: ALTERTABLESPACEtablespace_nameRESIZEMAXSIZE{UNLIMITED|'space_size'}; ...
D.executeALTERUSER..QUOTAUNLIMITEDONpublisher_tbscommandforallofthethreeusers E.createrolewithUNLIMITEDTABLESPACEsystemprivilegeandassigntheroletoallofthethreeusers 点击查看答案 第7题 AcustomerneedstoimplementaHighlyAvailablesolutionforJMSthathasaprimarydatacenterandabackup.Whichthreestepswouldyouperformwhendesigning...
tablespace allocation of any users who have been assigned the tablespace as either a default or temporary tablespace. While the tablespace is offline, such users cannot allocate space for objects or sort areas in the tablespace. SeeALTER USERfor more information on allocating tablespace quota to ...
tablespace Specify the name of the tablespace to be altered. Restrictions on Altering Tablespaces Iftablespaceis an undo tablespace, then the only other clauses you can specify in this statement areADDDATAFILE,RENAMEDATAFILE,RENAMETO(renaming the tablespace),DATAFILE...ONLINE,DATAFILE...OFFLINE,BEGIN...
When the tablespace is offline, these users cannot allocate space for objects or sort areas in the tablespace. See ALTER USER for more information on allocating tablespace quota to users.Restriction on Taking Tablespaces OfflineYou cannot take a temporary tablespace offline....
When the tablespace is offline, these users cannot allocate space for objects or sort areas in the tablespace. See ALTER USER for more information on allocating tablespace quota to users. Restriction: You cannot take a temporary tablespace offline. NORMAL Specify NORMAL to flush all blocks in ...