ALTER USER MAX70TEST QUOTA UNLIMITED ON MAXDATA;修改用户配额无限maxdata max70test 双语对照 例句:1.The default is zero, which means that unlimited user connections are allowed.默认值为零,表示对用户连接数量没有限制。
ALTER USER是Oracle数据库中的一个命令,用于修改现有用户的属性和权限。它可以用来更改用户的密码、授权和角色等信息。具体用法如下: 语法: ALTER USER username IDENTIFIED BY password; ALTER USER username DEFAULT TABLESPACE tablespace_name; ALTER USER username QUOTA {size|UNLIMITED} ON tablespace_name; ALTER ...
ALTERUSERscott QUOTA UNLIMITEDONtblspace1; UNLIMITED 키워드를 사용하여 기본 테이블스페이스 용량을무제한으로 할당할 수 있다. 임시 테이블 스페이스변경 ALTERUSERscott TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp1; TEMPORARY TABLESPACE를 사용...
for existing objects in the user's schema in the tablespace, no more space in the tablespace can be allocated to objects in the schema. Note that an ALTER USER statement can contain multiple QUOTA clauses for multiple tablespaces. UNLIMITED places no limit on the space in the tablespace alloc...
tablespace Specify the name of the tablespace to be altered. Restrictions on Altering Tablespaces Altering tablespaces is subject to the following restrictions: If tablespace is an undo tablespace, then the only other clauses you can specify in this statement are ADD DATAFILE, RENAME DATAFILE, RENAME...
revoke unlimited tablespace from [USER]; 查看用户缺省表空间:select username,default_tablespace from user_users; alter user [USER] quota 10m on users;。我们想让新建用户拥有对scott.emp表的查询权限:grant select on scott.emp to [USER]; 我们想让新建用户拥有对scott的建立表操作:grant create any ...
以下()角色自动具有UNLIMITED TABLESPACE系统权限。 A.CONNECT B.RESOURCE C.DBA 单项选择题 从()数据字典中可以查看到用户信息。 A.dba_temp_files B.dba_data_files C.dba_users D.dba_ts_quotas 单项选择题 用户James在表空间USERS中建了一个表JOBS,当执行了命令ALTER USER James QUOTA 0ON USERS,在JOBS...
C.使用SESSIONS_PER_USER参数创建一个概要文件 D.使用ALTER SYSTEM语句强制开启资源限制 E.使用ALTER ROLE语句将概要文件赋予一个角色 F.使用ALTER USER语句将概要文件赋予用户 单项选择题 假设正在写一个ALTER PROFILE语句来修改默认概要文件的参数值。其要求是:如果一个用户试着登录了三次以上并都失败了,用户在试图...
alter user "OMØV" default tablespace PROTASTAB; Edited by: Joe Bo. on Aug 11, 2010 8:25 AM Former Member 2010 Aug 10 0 Kudos Addi, Try with this ALTER USER PRATEEK DEFAULT TABLESPACE PSAPXXXX QUOTA UNLIMITED ON Hope it will work ! You must be a registered user to add a ...
When it is set to false, Oracle does not perform block checking for blocks in the user tablespaces. However, block checking for the SYSTEM tablespace is always turned on. DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM Parameter type Boolean Default value true Parameter class Dynamic: ALTER SYSTEM Range of ...