Hey there, I'm getting the following error when executing the following query with node-oracledb: SELECT OBJECT_NAME FROM ALL_OBJECTS || '@' || :db WHERE OWNER = :schema AND ( OBJECT_TYPE = ''TABLE'' OR OBJECT_TYPE = ''VIEW'' OR OBJECT_T...
Oracle 11G RAC 集群迁移到 DM 连接 Oracle 端时报错:Listener refused the connection whth the following error:ORA-12505, Thn:listener does not currently know of SID Giver in connect descriptor。【问题解决】出现此报错需要指定 Oracle 驱动,自定义 url:jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(...
schema_name - table schema name table_name - table name constraint_name - table's PK constraint name columns - list of table's PK columns separated with ',' status - table's PK status (ENABLED / DISABLED) Rows One row represents one table in a database Scope of rows: all tables and...
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exceptions table does not exist in the schema: '); RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND; GOTO err; END; FOR c1 IN cons_cur(v_user) LOOP begin srch_cond := substr(c1.search_condition,1,length(c1.search_condition)); -- Dont remove table constraint NOT NULL IF (instr(srch_...
【oracle】用户和schema oracle中用户和schema,一个用户对应唯一一个schema,用户相当于登录账号,schema相当于这个账号的数据库表的集合,在创建用的时候,会默认生成一个缺省的schema,名字以用户名来命名。
方法2: 使用expdp/impdp,导出表然后导入表修改表的Schema。使用exp/imp方式也是差不多,在此不做介绍。 [oracle@DB-Server dpdump]$ expdp system/xxxx tables=test.kkk directory=data_pump_dir dumpfile=kkk.dmp logfile=kkk.log; Export: Release - Production on Mon Jul 10 15:57:22 2017 ...
Set the fileListPath property: Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Parameters: fileListPath - the fileListPath value to set. ...
select file_id,FILE_NAME,bytes/1024/1024from dba_data_files;查看表所属表空间(表的名字大写)SELECTTABLE_NAME,TABLESPACE_NAMEFROMDBA_TABLESwhere table_name='T_COUSE';查看表空间大小及位置 col file_namefora60;setlinesize160;select file_name,tablespace_name,bytes/1024/1024from dba_data_files;查看表...
Genral栏中选择源端数据库为Oracle(,schema为需要转换的表用户。 目标端使用file文件,用于保存转换好的MySQL脚本,数据库版本为MySQL5.7(可以根据实际环境选择)。 Options栏中只选择Create tables和Continue on error 8.选择表以后开始进行转换 ...
This will return a list of all tables that the current user is owner of, as specified in theownercolumn. Au-delà d'Agile In a situation where you’re only interested in what tables the current Oracle user hasaccessto, regardless of ownership, you’ll use theALL_TABLESdata dictionary inst...