To convert Oracle objects to SQL Server syntax In Oracle Metadata Explorer, expand the Oracle server, and then expandSchemas. Select objects to convert: To convert all schemas, select the check box next toSchemas. To convert or omit a database, select the check box next to the schema name...
--按表导出--exp test/1234@orcl tables=(collection) file=d:\db_bak\collection.dmp--按表导入--imp test2/syj@orcl tables=(collection) file=d:\db_bak\collection.dmp--按用户导出--expdp test/123456schemas=epdb dumpfile=test.dmp directory=my_dire logfile=test.log--按用户导入--impdp test/12...
s.user#, l.os_user_name,s.machine, s.terminal, a.sql_textfrom v$sqltexta, v$sessions, v$locked_objectlwherel.session_id = s.sid and s.prev_sql_addr = a.address order by sid, s.serial#;select/*+ ORDERED */ sql_text from v$sqltextawhere(a.hash_value,a.ADDRESS)in(select...
sql grantcreatesessionto[user];grantselectonall_usersto[user];grantselectondba_objectsto[user];grantselectondba_tab_commentsto[user];grantselectondba_external_locationsto[user];grantselectondba_directoriesto[user];grantselectondba_mviewsto[user];grantselectondba_clu_columnsto[user];grantselecton...
You don't need to do anything with that list for this tutorial. If you perform these steps for your own Oracle database, you should review the report to address any important conversion problems for your database. Connect to SQL Server ...
2.1 Alphabetic List of SQLcl Commands @{url | file_name[.ext]} [arg ...] @@ { url | file_name[.ext] } [arg ...] / (slash) ACC[EPT] variable [NUM[BER] | CHAR | DATE | BINARY_FLOAT | BINARY_DOUBLE] [FOR[MAT] format] [DEF[AULT] default] [PROMPT text | NOPR[OMPT]...
is installed, you can use SSMA to migrate Oracle databases to SQL Server. It helps to become familiar with the SSMA user interface before you start. The following diagram shows the user interface for SSMA, including the metadata explorers, metadata, toolbars, output pane, and error list pane...
Use the following query to see a list of unsupported internal schemas: SQL> SELECT OWNER FROM DBA_LOGSTDBY_SKIP - > WHERE STATEMENT_OPT = 'INTERNAL SCHEMA'; Create a logical standby database, following the instructions inCreating a Logical Standby Database. ...
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) > Bulk Copy Utility (bcp) Big data options on the Microsoft SQL Server platform Azure Migration Services > Migration guides Data Quality Services (DQS) Replication Import & Export Wizard Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA) ...
select sql_text from v$sql where hash_valuein(select sql_hash_value from v$session where sidin(select session_id from v$locked_object));#找出数据库的serial# select t2.username,t2.sid,t2.serial#,t2.logon_time from v$locked_object t1,v$session t2 ...