Get the schema property: The schema name of the on-premises Oracle database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the schema value.table public Object table() Get the table property: The table name of the on-premises Oracle database. Type: string (or Expression wit...
These examples use tables that are defined in the Oracle Scott/Tiger schema, and require the following PL/SQL package and package body. You must create these on your server to use the examples. Create the following Oracle package on the Oracle server. Copy CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE CURSPKG...
Oracle 11G RAC 集群迁移到 DM 连接 Oracle 端时报错:Listener refused the connection whth the following error:ORA-12505, Thn:listener does not currently know of SID Giver in connect descriptor。 【问题解决】 出现此报错需要指定 Oracle 驱动,自定义 url:jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(...
The support for schema name, table name, column name, and synonym that are 128 bytes are available in the upcoming Oracle Database release. To support Oracle Database, Oracle Data Miner repository views, tables, XML schema, and PL/SQL packages are enhanced to support 128 bytes names. xxx ...
Default: output.sql in running directory. -O | --options : Used to override any configuration parameter, it can be used multiple time. Syntax: -O "PARAM_NAME=value" -p | --plsql : Enable PLSQL to PLPGSQL code conversion. -P | --parallel num: Number of parallel tables to extract ...
Get DDL of a Table ( Table Create Script ) 可以按如下方式获取表的创建脚本 select dbms_metadata.get_ddl( 'TABLE', 'TABLE_NAME','SCHEMA_NAME' ) from dual; 1. For example; You can get SCOTT.EMP table create script as follows.
columns- list of table's PK columns separated with ',' status- table's PK status (ENABLED / DISABLED) Rows One rowrepresents one table in a database Scope of rows:all tables and their PK constraint if exist in a database Ordered byschema, table_name ...
兼容PolarDB PostgreSQL版(兼容Oracle)的Debezium connector(简称Debezium PolarDBO connector),可用于捕获PolarDB PostgreSQL版(兼容Oracle)数据库中的行级别更改,生成数据更改事件记录,并将它们流式传输到Kafka Topic中。具体功能及用法请参考社区Debezium PostgreSQL connector。 由于PolarDB PostgreSQL版(兼容Oracle)与社区Postg...
Add all referenced DTD and XML-Schema documents to the repository. For each XML document that references one of the type-definition resources mentioned in (1): If the reference is a relative path, then change it to an absolute path.