Hey there, I'm getting the following error when executing the following query with node-oracledb: SELECT OBJECT_NAME FROM ALL_OBJECTS || '@' || :db WHERE OWNER = :schema AND ( OBJECT_TYPE = ''TABLE'' OR OBJECT_TYPE = ''VIEW'' OR OBJECT_T...
public Object schemaTypePropertiesSchema() Get the schema property: The schema name of the on-premises Oracle database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the schema value.table public Object table() Get the table property: The table name of the on-premises Oracle ...
SET VERIFY off ACCEPT puser PROMPT 'Enter the schema name: ' ACCEPT pexcp PROMPT 'Enter the EXCEPTIONS table name for schema &puser: ' PROMPT 'NOTE: This will take some time, please wait...' SPOOL schema_cons_&puser DECLARE CURSOR cons_cur (v_userid VARCHAR2) IS SELECT * FROM dba...
1、表空间(TableSpace)和模式(Schema)的基本概念 oracle有表空间和schema,人大金仓也有。表空间是一个物理存储的概念,存储数据文件、索引文件之类。而schema是一个逻辑概念,对应数据库的关系模式,如表结构,字段类型,视图定义等等。 在oracle里,好像没有什么地方去创建、修改这个schema,有的只有创建表空间,然后似乎schem...
columns- list of table's PK columns separated with ',' status- table's PK status (ENABLED / DISABLED) Rows One rowrepresents one table in a database Scope of rows:all tables and their PK constraint if exist in a database Ordered byschema, table_name ...
Oracle 11G RAC 集群迁移到 DM 连接 Oracle 端时报错:Listener refused the connection whth the following error:ORA-12505, Thn:listener does not currently know of SID Giver in connect descriptor。【问题解决】出现此报错需要指定 Oracle 驱动,自定义 url:jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(...
Oracle Schema Objects Oracle Data Types 数据类型 Data Type Description NUMBER(P,S) Number value having a maximum number of digits p, with a digits to the
例如,如果想要从 Oracle 中读取 schema 为 "sales" 和 "finance" 的数据,则可以设置 schemaList 为 ["sales", "finance"]。 在设置 schemaList 时,还需要注意,如果要读取的数据是由多个 schema 拼接而成的,则需要把这些 schema 的名称都添加到 schemaList 中。例如,如果要读取由 schema "sales" 和 schema...
Genral栏中选择源端数据库为Oracle(,schema为需要转换的表用户。 目标端使用file文件,用于保存转换好的MySQL脚本,数据库版本为MySQL5.7(可以根据实际环境选择)。 Options栏中只选择Create tables和Continue on error 8.选择表以后开始进行转换 ...
Add all referenced DTD and XML-Schema documents to the repository. For each XML document that references one of the type-definition resources mentioned in (1): If the reference is a relative path, then change it to an absolute path.