ORA-24756 是 Oracle 数据库中一个常见的错误代码,表示当前执行的 Oracle 事务不存在。下面是对该错误的详细解析: 1. ORA-24756 错误的含义 ORA-24756 错误表明在尝试提交、回滚或查询一个事务的状态时,Oracle 无法找到对应的事务标识符或上下文。这通常意味着当前操作的事务标识符不再有效或事务已经不存在。 2....
Errors in file /oracle/admin/NHMIX01/bdump/nhmix01_reco_4959.trc: ORA-24756: transaction does not exist 但是去找trace文件的時候卻沒有 想到了事務的問題,查dba_2pc_pending select local_tran_id,state from dba_2pc_pending; 通过该视图我去到远端的数据库查询该是视图 select local_tran_id,state ...
查看对应的补丁,确认当前数据库存在该bug: 原因为Oracle的BUG,根本解决办法是需打补丁解决,大量使用DBLink,若其中一个断开连接或故障,reco将循环报ora-24756的错误。确认事务为收集状态,并且已经查询不到当前活跃事务状态,对数据没有造成影响,手工处理问题,使用Dbms_Transaction包清理有问题事务,alert日志不再出现ora-247...
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-24756: ÉgÉâÉìÉUÉNÉVÉáÉìÇ?ë&8706;ç?ǵÇ?Ç&0000960;ÇÒÅB(There is not a transaction.) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:439) ...
ORA-24756: transaction does not exist was reported and after instance restart ORA-00600: [ksqgtl:ktcbbt], [4]with short stack ksqgtlctx <- ktubnd <- ktubgn <- k2gInsert <- k2lbegCauseSign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account. Register Don't have...
Dear Masters, Adakah yang mengetahui penyebab Error ORA berikut *** 2009-11-09 08:22:14.144 ERROR, tran=104.21.15520, ose=0: ORA-24756: transaction does not exist ORA tersebut muncul di alertlog pagi ini, apakah ini berbahaya? regards, adipt ___ This e-mail and any files transmitted...
dataguard ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor 2019-12-12 15:08 −错误的意思是listener 不知道连接解析器中的请求服务,这里要说静态监听和动态监听了动态注册是在instance启动的时候PMON进程根据init.ora中的instance_name,service_names两个参数将实例和...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: PMON cleanup fails with ORA-24756: transaction does not exist
Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server - Version and later: Distributed Transactions with MSDTC Using ORAMTS Fail With: ORA-1591 and ORA-24756 Aft