ORA-24777是一个Oracle数据库错误,通常出现在尝试使用不可移植(non-migratable)的数据库链接(DBLINK)时。以下是对该错误的详细解释、可能原因以及解决步骤: 1. ORA-24777错误的含义 ORA-24777错误表明,在Oracle数据库中,尝试在一个分布式事务中使用了一个不可移植的数据库链接。这通常意味着该链接不支持在会话之间迁...
If using the shared server configuration is not possible, then access the remote database through the Pro*C/C++ application by usingEXECSQLATsyntax. Theinit.oraparameterOPEN_LINKS_PER_INSTANCEspecifies the number of open database link connections that can be migrated. Thesedblinkconnections are used...
/*oracle通用share远程连接其他用户数据库的dblink脚本*/ create SHARED PUBLIC database link linkname connect to name identified by password AUTHENTICATED BY name IDENTIFIED BY password using '(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) (CONNE...
简介:今天遇到了ORA-24777错误,通过METALINK ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowedCause: The transaction, which needs to be mi... 今天遇到了ORA-24777错误,通过METALINK ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowed Cause: The transaction, which needs to be mig...
Oracle Objects for OLE - Version and later: ORA-24777 When Selecting Across a Database Link With Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle
QUOTE ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowed Cause: The transaction, which needs to be migratable between sessions, tried to access a remote database from a non-multi threaded server process 2. The SGA and PGA_AGGREGATE targets are limitted to 4GB as an Oracle c...
So far, everything is going fine. When we are in the middle of performing an update, and at the end of the update we wish to query across the database link again (to display a new screen), we are getting ORA-24777 which is telling me that the application ...