ORA-24757 是一个与 Oracle 数据库相关的错误代码,下面我将根据要求详细解释这个错误的含义、常见原因以及解决建议。 一、ORA-24757 错误的含义 ORA-24757 错误表示“重复的事务处理标识”(duplicate transaction identifier)。这个错误通常发生在尝试启动一个新的事务时,但该事务的标识符已经被一个现有的事务所使用。
ORA-24757: duplicate transaction identifier Reason for the Error An attempt was made to start a new transaction with an identifier already in use by an existing transaction. Solution Verify that the identifier is not in use. Related Oracle Error RMAN-06013: duplicate channel identifier found: stri...
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Autonomous Database on Shared Infrastructure - Version N/A to N/A: Query Over DB Link Fails Intermittently With ORA-24757 & ORA-02063
ORA-24757: duplicate transaction identifier ORA-24280 to ORA-28709 16-19 Cause: An attempt was made to start a new transaction with an identifier already in use by an existing transaction. Action: Verify that the identifier is not in use. ...
ORA-24757: duplicate transaction identifier Cause: An attempt was made to start a new transaction with an identifier already in use by an existing transaction. Action: Verify that the identifier is not in use. ORA-24758: not attached to the requested transaction Cause: An attempt was mad...
ORA-24757: duplicate transaction identifier.. Answer / guest Cause: An attempt was made to start a new transaction with an identifier already in use by an existing transaction. Action: Verify that the identifier is not in use. Please add more information about this Error Is This Answer ...
ORA-24757: duplicate transaction identifier Cause:An attempt was made to start a new transaction with an identifier already in use by an existing transaction. Action:Verify that the identifier is not in use. ORA-24758: not attached to the requested transaction ...
ORA-24757 duplicate transaction identifier Cause: An attempt was made to start a new transaction with an identifier already in use by an existing transaction. Action: Verify that the identifier is not in use. ORA-24758 not attached to the requested transaction Cause: An attempt was made to...
ORA-24757: トランザクション識別子が重複しています。 原因: 既存のトランザクションですでに使用されている識別子で、新規トランザクションを開始しようとしました。 処置: 識別子が使用中でないことを確認してください。 ORA-24758: 要求されたトランザクションには連結していません...