VR is tested with SteamVR, Monado and Oculus runtimes. Support for most common controllers, additional controllers can be configured using OpenXRConfig. The WMR OpenXR runtime is not supported as Godot is an OpenGL renderer. Documentation
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/Oculus/OculusVR/Content/' mounted to '/OculusVR/' LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/OpenXR/Content/' mounted to '/OpenXR/' ...
OpenXR已经酝酿了好几年,并获得了XR领域许多重要玩家的支持。该标准的1.0版本于2019年宣布,并已缓慢但稳定地进入关键的VR平台和游戏引擎,如Oculus Quest & Rift,Windows混合现实,Unity,Unreal Engine,SteamVR等。
SteamVR If available, sets the current OpenXR runtime to the SteamVR OpenXR runtime. Oculus If available, sets the current OpenXR runtime to the Oculus OpenXR runtime. Other Specify a runtime by selecting its json config file on your hard drive. Choose this option to use an OpenXR runtim...
Support Runtime Environment Variable (XR_RUNTIME_JSON) System Default Oculus WindowsMR SteamVR ViveVR Varjo Installation Add from OpenUPM| via scoped registry, recommended To add OpenUPM to your project: openEdit/Project Settings/Package Manager ...
继1月初Meta元宇宙操作系统负责人出走谷歌,近日,Meta宣布其300人的XROS团队成员被分别转移到了AR眼镜、Quest VR头显以及负责XR技术开发的团队之中。...而这也标志着Meta试图针对Oculus VR以及之后可能的AR或MR设备开发操作系统的努力前功尽弃。...然而,彼时就火起来的VR
12月4日消息,Unreal宣布全新的UE5游戏引擎将不再原生支持SteamVR、Oculus、ARKit、ARCore或HoloLens 2等不同的AR/VR平台界面,而是仅支持OpenXR,也就是说使用UE5开发的游戏所使用的定位、手柄支持、手势和眼球追踪等功能将通过OpenXR界面来支持不同的AR/VR平台。据悉,UE5引擎将于2021年第一季度开启早期公测,正式版...
UE5不再支持SteamVR、Oculus等平台,仅支持OpenXR标准?(VRPinea 12月7日讯)今日重点新闻:腾讯关联企业入股上海钛核网络,或为腾讯的试探性布局;UE5引擎不再支持SteamVR、Oculus等平台界面,之后将仅支持OpenXR标准;Snapchat将于本月举行AR创作者活动Lens Fest,鼓励更多用户创作AR滤镜。腾讯关联企业入股上海钛核...
Oculus Touch Controller Valve Index ControllerAccessing features at runtime via scriptYou can also access all the settings in the Features window through script. The scripting API documentation in this package provides information on all APIs you can use for feature support. The code samples below ...