.. i local chunk_file = io.open(chunk_path) while true do local bytes = chunk_file:read(4096) if not bytes then break end file:write(bytes) end chunk_file:close() os.remove(chunk_path) end file:close() end -- rate limit if get.speed then speed = math.ceil(get.speed * 1024 ...
We see a lot of these errors in our nginx log file. Once in a while, the nginx server starts choking and stops serving the incoming request. We have to restart nginx servers to get them back live. *41417426420 lua tcp socket read timed o...
普通连接代码如下: -- check.lualocalportHandler =function(premature, ip_address, port)localsock = ngx.socket.tcp() sock:settimeout(300)localok, err = sock:connect(ip_address, port)ifokthen-- 数据库处理或文件处理写入历史localok, err = ngx.timer.at(1, hHandler, ip_address, port);ifnot...
原始的Lua没有Socket功能,需要使用者下载Lua socket组件,require一下才行。而lua-nginx模块自带了socket功能,而且是100%的非阻塞模式,再次感谢作者章亦春。 使用socket功能很简单,只有几个简单的方法即可主要就是有TCP和UDP的区别。(这里只是lua文件,其他请见Hello world 文章) 代码如下: local sock = ngx.socket.t...
首先是利用nginx自带的socket模块,通过ip、端口连接,当然交换机的默认端口是23 定义一个sock对象,然后利用这个sock连接到指定的ip,端口 local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() 设定超时时间,这个超时是发送时的超时时间,如果你发送的数据在设定的时间内还没有以'\n'结尾或者缓冲区(行缓冲)还没满就会超时。
lua-resty-websocket, 对ngx_lua模块( 和 OpenResty )的web socket支持 电子邮件名称lua-resty-websocket - ngx_lua模块的Lua web socket实现 table-内容名称状态描述概要说明模块resty.websocket.server方法新插件set
使用socket功能很简单,只有几个简单的方法即可主要就是有TCP和UDP的区别。(这里只是lua文件,其他请见Hello world 文章) 代码如下: local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() local ok,err = sock:connect('whois.cnnic.net.cn',43) if not ok then ngx.say('Failed to connect whois server',err) ...
Thewritemethod of the Envoy network socket class performs socket writing. It sends out the HTTP response data. Thedrainmethod of the Envoy buffer class frees unused memory in the write buffer, and performs other cleanup work. TheclearDeferredDeletedListmethod of the Envoy dispatcher class frees up...
解决Openresty + lua:lua tcp socket read timed out 解决Openresty + lua:lua tcp socket read timed out 问题描述 报错信息如下图所示: 对应的lua脚本: 一个是timeout还有一个事close失败了 解决问题的过程 我一开始还挺蒙的,然后网上一顿找答案,结果并没有找到解决办法。然后我冷静下来想了一下,应该是...
specify the size of the connection pool. If omitted and nobacklogoption was provided, no pool will be created. If omitted butbacklogwas provided, the pool will be created with a default size equal to the value of thelua_socket_pool_sizedirective. The connection pool holds up topool_size...