form:set_timeout(1000) while true do local typ, res, err = form:read() if not typ then ngx.say("failed to read: ", err) return end The timeout occurs randomly (1 out of 10 uploads) even the image that is uploaded is rather small, just few hundred of kb. @agentzh I wonder ...
We see a lot of these errors in our nginx log file. Once in a while, the nginx server starts choking and stops serving the incoming request. We have to restart nginx servers to get them back live. *41417426420 lua tcp socket read timed o...
我的openresty接口服务,有时出现5xx。翻一下日志显示下面的错,nginx 上的TCP超时都是30秒的,不太可能,lua接口上是请求连接了后端的mongoDB,这个错是不是后端DB抛出来的?如何排查? 2017/08/24 10:40:25 [error] 25781#0: *723049835 lua tcp socket read timed out, client:, server: 10.1....
如果确定服务器发送的字符串大小是固定的,使用tcp:receive(20)方法,为防止receive()阻塞,设置settimeout(4),4s内如果没有接收到数据就立即返回,并再次客户端给VisionMaster服务端发送触发运行指令。 local socket = require("socket.core") local tcp = socket.tcp() local host = '' local port =...
import; import org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL; public class Server { public static final int PORT = 12345;//监听的端口号 public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("TCP服务器启动:\n"); Server server = new Server(); ...
1 2 socket = require ("socket") 3 print(socket._VERSION) 4 5 if not socket then 6 print("load socket module failed.") 7 else 8 pri
Bind asclient, could receiveRead/Accept/Closemessage from server; Connect asserver, could receiveRead/Closefrom client 自socket.ahk\EventProcRegister。 accept后会生成socket()重新注册onMessage。(最开始为SocketTCP) 不适用Critical的话,是FILO,会打乱顺序.. ...
lua_socket_connect_timeout lua_socket_send_lowat lua_socket_pool_size lua_check_client_abort lua_shared_dict lua_shared_dict lua_regex_match_limit demo_echo Code Exapmle for ngx_tcp_lua_module Nginx API for Lua Introduction ngx.say ngx.print ngx.receive ngx.wait_next_request ngx.exit ngx...
lua做tcp服务器的2套库 copas是纯lua的实现 依赖于luasocket, 但是毕竟大的现在,只能支持1024个并发,是select机制的限制。 luaevent和copas的接口很像,基于libevent,支持epoll等,可以支持大规模的并发。 copas经过几天几夜的测试, 比较稳定,但是吃比较多的内存。
从零搭建TCP服务端:使用LuaSocket的实战指南 在网络编程中,TCP协议因其可靠性和面向连接的特性而被广泛应用。Lua作为一种轻量级、易于嵌入的脚本语言,在快速开发网络应用方面有着独特的优势。LuaSocket库为Lua提供了丰富的网络编程接口,让开发者能够轻松实现TCP/UDP等网络协议的客户端和服务端程序。 一、安装LuaSocket...