cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer((void**)&devicePoints1, &size,this->cudaResourceBuf[0]); cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer((void**)&devicePoints2, &size,this->cudaResourceBuf[1]); // execute kernel dim3 dimGrid(20, 20, 1); dim3 dimBlock(this->X/dimGrid.x,this->Y/dimGrid.y,...
OpenGL与CUDA互操作方式总结 一、介绍CUDA是Nvidia推出的一个通用GPU计算平台,对于提升并行任务的效率非常有帮助。本人主管的项目中采用了OpenGL做图像渲染,但是在数据处理方面比较慢,导致帧率一直上不来。于是就尝试把计算工作分解成小的任务,使用核函数在CUDA中加速计算。对于CUDA和OpenGL如何交互以前从来没有接触过,...
cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer((void **)&devicePoints1, &size, this->cudaResourceBuf[0]); cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer((void **)&devicePoints2, &size, this->cudaResourceBuf[1]); // execute kernel dim3 dimGrid(20, 20, 1); dim3 dimBlock(this->X/dimGrid.x, this->Y/dim...
this->VBO);//Create Element Buffer ObjectsglGenBuffers(1,&this->EBO);//Bind the Vertex Array Object first, then bind and set vertex buffer(s) and attribute pointer(s).glBindVertexArray(this->VAO);// 绑定VBO后即在CUDA中注册Buffer ObjectglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY...
Cuda + OpenGL interoperability , glDrawArrays() Access violation [closed] first I'd like to apologize for the amount of code I'm providing below, I'm not sure but I could be infringing the posting rules with that. I'm trying to modify nvidia's cuda sample fluidsGL (example can be ...
every CUDA/OpenGL interoperability API function in the CUDA driver API segfaults. Here’s some example code exhibiting the issue (which works if I use a GLX-created opengl context): #defineEGL_EGLEXT_PROTOTYPES // for EGL extensions
This library works perfectly with OpenGL but it also ensures interoperability with other third party libraries and SDK. It is a good candidate for software rendering (raytracing / rasterisation), image processing, physics simulations and any development context that requires a simple and convenient ...
OpenCL/OpenGL interoperability and the NV-GLX X11 extension 1 1330 2019 年9 月 23 日
This library works perfectly with OpenGL but it also ensures interoperability with other third party libraries and SDK. It is a good candidate for software rendering (raytracing / rasterisation), image processing, physics simulations and any development context that requires a simple and convenient ...
GL Interoperability CUDA – OpenGL InteroperabilityCUDA – OpenGL InteroperabilityHagen, Trond