The "e" value at the end here is always 1282 (invalid operation, or something like that). I'm not sure why. I've checked glGetError after every command building the list, from the glNewList downwards, and it's always the same (zero). This display list is one of 3 - 2 of which...
OpenGL Error: 1282 Glew not okay! 1 I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong. c++ opengl glew glfw Share Improve this question Follow edited Mar 13, 2014 at 16:10 genpfault 51.7k1212 gold badges8989 silver badges144144 bronze badges asked Mar 13, 2014 at 6:51 Jordan Schnur...
无论进哪个存档都会这样,新建的也会这样 在日志中找到了这样一句话:GL Error: Invalid operation(1282) @ uploadTextureMaxMips mip=0 并且有多行显示模型加载错误(哪个存档都是这样,新建的也是这样) 请问如何解决?
Now test your issue to see if this worked. If the OpenGL Error: 1282 message still occurs, don’t worry, there are still other fixes you can try below. Update OptiFine The OpenGL Error: 1282 message can also appear if you are using an out-of-date version of OptiFine. You can try ...
The error message also appears in a fresh Minecraft installation using Forge causes minecraft to display nothing (execept for GUI). Link to full log:
当我试图运行带有函数的片段着色器时,我得到了OpenGL错误1282,该函数返回带有从函数参数和整数文本初始化的uint数组的结构。 当我使用下面的片段着色器运行我的程序时,一切正常,我得到的结果是白色屏幕。 代码语言:javascript 复制 #version460uniform uint param;out vec4 color;structA{uint content[2];};Acreate...
开启远程桌面之后,运行OpenGL出现Failed to write GL debug info to debug dump: GLError( err = 1282, 显示器匹配器多了一个adapter,关闭远程桌面即可
GL_INVALID_OPERATION (1282) 当前状态下不允许指定的操作。 违规命令被忽略,除了设置错误标志之外没有其他副作用。 1. GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION (1286) 该命令试图渲染到帧缓冲区或从帧缓冲区读取,而当前绑定的帧缓冲区不是帧缓冲区完成状态(即glCheckFramebufferStatus的返回值不是GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE...
several reasons incurring GL_INVALID_OPERATION(GLAD: ERROR 1282) 我大胆猜测(其实完全是凭运气),就是这一行导致了error,然后我把shadowMap数组大小设为3,有3个光源带shadow的正好能跑了,设为1,有一个光源带shadow的正好能跑了,去掉,没shadow的能跑了... 于是我悟了,uniform sampler定义之后就必须要用上!虽...