// Add white noise to an image void white(cv::Mat image, int n) { // C++11 random number generator std::default_random_engine generator; std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randomRow(0, image.rows - 1); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randomCol(0, image.cols - 1); int i,j;...
代码实现 #include<opencv2/core/core.hpp>#include<opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>#include<opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>#include<random>// Add white noise to an imagevoidwhite(cv::Mat image,intn){// C++11 random number generatorstd::default_random_engine generator;std::uniform_int_distribution<i...
Add peppersalt to image :param img: the image you want to add noise :param n: the total number of noise (0 <= n <= width*height) :param m: different mode m=1:add only white noise in whole image m=2:add only black noise in whole image m=3:add black and white noise in whole...
1. add_noise_white_contour_xld 功能:向XLD轮廓(contour)中加入噪声。 2. clip_contours_xld 功能:修剪一个XLD轮廓(contour)。 3. close_contours_xld 功能:关闭一个XLD轮廓(contour)。 4. combine_roads_xld 功能:合并两个等级分辨率中的路(road)。 5. crop_contours_xld 功能:切割一个XLD轮廓(contour)。
image = cv2.add(image,gauss) return image elif noise_type == "sp": image=img.copy() prob = 0.05 if len(image.shape) == 2: black = 0 white = 255 else: colorspace = image.shape[2] if colorspace == 3: # RGB black = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype='uint8') ...
// Adds the white noise to avoid singular covariance matrix. c[0] += variance; c[4] += variance; c[8] += variance; } calcInverseCovAndDeterm(ci); } } } 下面我们开始计算能量公式中光滑性函数V: (注: =1), const doublegamma = 50; ...
// Adds the white noise to avoid singular covariance matrix. c[0] += variance; c[4] += variance; c[8] += variance; } //计算第ci个高斯模型的协方差的逆Inverse和行列式Determinant calcInverseCovAndDeterm(ci); } } } //计算协方差的逆Inverse和行列式Determinant ...
LenaNoisedisp_caption和disp_image函数分别是用于显示提示文字和平滑过程中的变化图像的,平滑过程中图像的变化如下图:blur注意观察上面的图,中值滤波(Median Blur)对椒盐噪声的效果最好!四种滤波方法分别使用到4个OpenCV函数,这些函数的声明都在imgproc.hpp中,这些函数的前2个参数都...
image = cv2.add(image,gauss) returnimage elifnoise_type =="sp": image=img.copy() prob =0.05 iflen(image.shape) ==2: black =0 white =255 else: colorspace = image.shape[2] ifcolorspace ==3:# RGB black = np.array([0,...
inference models in hardware, as well as AI pre-processing tasks such as image scaling, color conversion, and white noise subtraction. The SiFive Essential S7 processor features real-time, deterministic processing capabilities to enable command and control applications within a heterogeneous compute ...