6. 【OpenCV】7 – 運用 OpenCV 為圖片增加一些顆粒感 (增加高斯噪點) add gaussian noise 7. 【OpenCV】8 – 運用 OpenCV 改變圖片的對比度 modify contrast (內含:網路上常見錯誤調整對比度方式的分析) 8. 【OpenCV】9 – 運用 OpenCV 降低圖片的高光 reduce highlights 9. 【OpenCV】11 – OpenCV ...
mapcan be used in more advance way. For example, given multiple sequence arguments, it sends items taken form sequences in parallel as distinct arguments to the function:
image with a kernel consisting of complex numbers. The structure of the kernel was chosen such that chessboard corners generate a strong response. After detection, the corner locations were enumerated, and then the OpenCV [15] camera calibration function is used to determine the camera parameters....