Swarm是由OpenAI Solutions团队近期低调开源的一个实验性框架,专门用于帮助开发者轻松高效地设计、编排和管理多智能体系统(Multi-Agent Systems)。这一工具的核心目标是让多个智能体协同工作,以更高效地完成复杂的任务和工作流。 相较于单智能体系统,Swarm借助多智能体的架构,能够让每个智能体在专注处理自己擅长的任务时...
Swarm是一个实验性的Multi-Agents框架,用于快速构建和部署Multi-Agents系统。Swarm 专注于让Agent之间的协调和执行变得轻量化、易于控制且便于测试。 它通过两个基础抽象实现这一目标:代理(Agents)和接力(handoffs)。一个代理包含指令(instuctions)和工具(tools),并且可以在任何时候选择将对话交接给另一个代理。 这些...
functions:可调用对象,可以返回三种类型(str,Agent,dict),AgentFunction = Callable[[], Union[str...
Complex multi-step plans– With agents, OpenAI can start to call multiple functions at a time, but it still cannot create complex plans with conditional logic, loops, and variable passing. With Semantic Kernel planners, you can do just that. Not only does this save you tokens, but it also...
多智能体(Multi-Agent)系统 Swarm展示的是怎么做多智能体协作,比如我们把卖东西简单分解为:卖货和售后支持,那这时候需要:卖货和客服两个智能体,同时为了能把货很流畅的卖出去还需要它俩配合。 如果我们把OpenAI正在输出的GPT4o等类比成一台超级通用的新计算机,那Swarm这个例子展示的正是基于这台新计算机完成上述工...
本文主要是OpenAI开源multi-agent框架swarm进行介绍,包括其核心组件Agent, instructions,functions,多个Agent之间如何进行切换,以及针对其中的examples进行验证,框架及源码非常简单,看官们可以亲自尝试一下。 Multi-agent的适用场景非常丰富,比如客服、工作流处理等
Start building(opens in a new window)View API pricing Flagship Models Our reasoning models These models spend more time thinking before producing a response, making them ideal for complex, multi-step problems. o1 Our most powerful reasoning model that supports tools, Structured Outputs, and vision...
I'm using the openAI extension with Autogen by Microsoft, and i works stunningly well, big thanks to everyone who made this possible. However, there's is an issue when using "Multi-agent" architecture, usingcode from here The openai lib returns "openai.error.InvalidRequestError: functions is...
Generative AI suite powered by state-of-the-art models and providing advanced AI/AGI functions. It features AI personas, AGI functions, multi-model chats, text-to-image, voice, response streaming, code highlighting and execution, PDF import, presets for developers, much more. Deploy on-prem or...