For more information on fine-tuning, read thefine-tuning guidein the OpenAI documentation. OpenAI provides a Moderation endpoint that can be used to check whether content complies with the OpenAIcontent policy importopenaiopenai.api_key="sk-..."# supply your API key however you choosemoderation_...
Typed requests and responses provide autocomplete and documentation within your editor. If you would like to see type errors in VS Code to help catch bugs earlier, set python.analysis.typeCheckingMode to basic.PaginationList methods in the OpenAI API are paginated....
This is a new version of the OpenAI Python API library. Starting on November 6, 2023 pip install openai and pip install openai --upgrade will install version 1.x of the OpenAI Python library. Upgrading from version 0.28.1 to version 1.x is a breaking change, you'll need to test and ...
如果显示安装失败,可能是因为 python无法识别安装的版本,导致 pip install Box2D 显示无法安装,可以尝试输入以下指令安装: python -m pip install Box2D 全部安装完毕后,跳转到 gym/envs/box2d,运行 python 命令测试环境: cd gym/envs/box2d (注意,gym 文件夹还有一个 gym 文件夹) 然后输入 p...
This article provides reference documentation for Python and REST for the new Assistants API (Preview). More in-depth step-by-step guidance is provided in the getting started guide.Create a threadHTTP Копиране POST
This library provides convenient access to the OpenAI REST API from TypeScript or JavaScript. It is generated from ourOpenAPI specificationwithStainless. To learn how to use the OpenAI API, check out ourAPI ReferenceandDocumentation. Installation ...
Python IMAGE_PATH="images/example.png"response=client.images.create_variation(image=open(IMAGE_PATH,mode="rb"),n=3,size="256x256",response_format="b64_json",) You can also find this approach in the official API documentation onimage variations. ...
Python documentation venv — Creation of virtual environments Source code: Lib/venv/ The venv module supports creating lightweight “virtual environments”, each with their own independent set of Python packages installed in their site directories. A virtual en...mohamad...
去往Miniconda — conda documentation页面,选择“Linux installers”里“Python 3.7”对应的“Miniconda3 Linux 64-bit”进行下载。然后,打开cmd,cd到Miniconda的.sh安装文件所在的目录,如此处键入: cd/dE:\package\Miniconda 然后键入bash 文件名.sh以安装Miniconda,如此处键入: ...
This library provides convenient access to the OpenAI REST API from TypeScript or JavaScript. It is generated from ourOpenAPI specificationwithStainless. To learn how to use the OpenAI API, check out ourAPI ReferenceandDocumentation. Installation ...