SEGI Almost real-time Global Illumination for Unity. Unity-SRP-VXGI Voxel-based Global Illumination using Unity Scriptable Render Pipeline. VCTRenderer Deferred voxel shading for real-time global illumination. voxel-cone-tracing A real-time...
WordPress-Editor-iOS-Extension - WordPress-Editor-iOS-Extension 是从WordPress-Editor-iOS 的扩展,他支持“从相册中选择”,“拍照”,“插入网络图片”三种方式。并允许用户可以定制编辑器的工具栏。 ImageView NaughtyImageView - UIImageView Can Animate Sprite Image.【 Preview】 Crop video cover CZHChooseCover...
[Toggle(UNITY_UI_ALPHACLIP)] _UseUIAlphaClip ("Use Alpha Clip", Float) = 0 /*ase_props*/ } SubShader { Tags { "Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="True" "RenderType"="Transparent" "PreviewType"="Plane" "CanUseSpriteAtlas"="True" } Stencil { Ref [_Stencil] Comp [_StencilComp...
看英文,把创建的cpllection移到resources文件夹外面去 好眼熟啊,哈哈
I see that this has been fixed in Unity 2019.3 and up, but starting with 2019.3, Unity is dropping support for Android versions lower than 4.4. Would it be possible to apply this fix to Unity 2019.2 as well so that we can still benefit f...
Unity-GeoAOFast ambien occlusion in Unity at runtime ConeSphereOcclusionLUTConeSphereOcclusionLUT generates a cone sphere occlusion LUT to be used with TLoU stylecapsule AO shadows. For details "Lighting Technology Of “The Last Of Us”.
Mastering.Unity.5.x.epub Key Features Become a Unity master by creating a practical, in-depth game-development project with Unity Use advanced C# scripting to unlock the complete potential of Unity 5 Customize your own Unity 5 editor as per your game requirements Book Description Do you want ...
3Unity官方教程:《2D游戏创作》模式 07:18 4Unity官方教程:《2D游戏创作》精灵类型 03:59 5Unity官方教程:《2D游戏创作》Sprite渲染器 03:43 6Unity官方教程:《2D游戏创作》Sprite编辑器 06:45 7Unity官方教程:《2D游戏创作》排序图层 03:43 8Unity官方教程:《2D游戏创作》物理概览 06:06 9Unity官方教程:《...
Unity编辑器拓展之二十三:基于ObjectField的FileField 使用场景 最近在做资源管理模块时,关于资源引用这方面的问题,并不想直接引用某一个asset ,比如Prefab、或者sprite、material等资源,当然可以由资源管理模块统一管理,然后对业务层提供获取的接口。由业务层传入文件名、或者AssetBundle Name、path之类的数据,资源管理模块内...