Stemphylium leaf blight (SLB), caused by the fungal pathogen Stemphylium vesicarium, is an important foliar disease of onions in Ontario, Canada. The pathogen infects the leaves and symptoms start as tan water-soaked lesions that progress to leaf dieback that can defoliate the plant. This can ...
Liz Lampman is a coffee-fuelled Mom of 2 girls and lives in Hamilton, Ontario. She enjoys cooking and baking, food photography, and reading.
7 in Ontario, Oregon. This is a one-day event with a bustling trade show and long list of speakers.Stuart Reitz with Oregon State University took to the podium in Ontario to tell attendees that an integrated pest management approach is needed to minimize damage from maggots. In the western...
Generally little, if any, yield increase was recorded after plants had reached 100% maturity, but in some cases bulb growth continued after complete fall-down of leaves. On the other hand, harvesting before 100% maturity resulted in a yield loss of 0-45% of final yield. Weight loss, and...
Influence of NPK fertilization enriched with S, Mg, and micronutrients contained in liquid fertilizer Insol 7 on potato tubers yield (Solanum tuberosum L.) and infestation of tubers with Streptomyces scabies and Rhizoctonia solani. Journal of Elementology. 14, 271–288 (2009). 19. Zuo, Y. &...
re perfect for southern gardeners below the 35th parallel whose days are slightly shorter throughout the growing season. If you grow short-day onions in the north, you’ll end up with tiny bulbs that go to flower early in the season because the bulbs stop growing as the days lengthen. ...
The objective of the 2003 trials was to evaluate yellow, white and red onion varieties for bulb yield, quality and single centers. Six early season yellow varieties were planted in March and were harvested and graded in August. Forty-two... CC Shock,EBG Feibert,LD Saunders - 《Onion World...
N–P–K FERTILIZER EFFECTS ON YIELD, COMPOSITION AND RESIDUES OF LETTUCE, CELERY, CARROT AND ONION GROWN ON AN ORGANIC SOIL IN QUEBEC (1975) N-P-K Fertilizer Effects on Yield, Composition and Residues of Lettuce, Celery, Carrot and Onion Grown on an Organic Soil in Quebec. Canadian ......
Past research at the Oregon State University Malheur Experiment Station, Ontario, Oregon, demonstrated the sensitivity of onion yield and grade to soil water tension. The ideal soil water tension for initiating irrigations for drip-irrigated onion wasdetermined to be close to 20 cb (Shock et al....
in Ontario, Canada, and the northeastern USA in recent years. The disease presents as elongated lesions on the leaves and severe leaf dieback. The effect on yield is unclear, but the extensive leaf dieback limits uptake of sprout inhibitors that are applied to onion foliage prior to harvest. ...