Cost estimates indicated that onion production could be $564 per hectare lower with the OH system compared with the DR system, if yields were maintained. Because of cost savings from OH, in both years the OH system was more profitable than DR. The study showed that onions could be ...
Based on interactions with farmers, the per quintal cost of producing processing variety potato is around INR 665. Item-wise details of costs are provided in Annexure 3.1. Based on an average yield of 321 quintals per hectare, returns ranging from INR 60,000 to INR 76,000 per hectare ...
The onion seed yield was 500–1200 kg/ha (Brewster, 1994), which was higher than that for carrot seed (600–1000 kg/ha) and tomato seed (250–400 kg hectare) (Welbaum, 2005). In addition, high amounts of oil (21.1%) can be extracted from onion seeds using cold press extraction (...
Although yield per hectare is reduced due to a 50 % deficit at alternative furrow compared to full irrigation, the reduction in irrigation cost and the opportunity cost of water more than compensates for the lower yield. Consequently, the result of the present study can provide a solid basis ...
The effect of harvest date on the yield and mineral content of Phalaris arundinacea L. (reed canary grass) genotypes screened for their potential as energy... The effect of harvest date on dry matter production per hectare and moisture content of 13 genotypes of Phalaris arundinacea (reed canary...
Similarly, maximum yield per hectare was also found with NHRDF Red-2 variety while minimum yield was observed with farmer practices (N-53). The average net returns with NHRDF Red-2 were observed to be Rs. 169592 per ha in comparison to control plot i.e. 1, 11, 380 per ha and on ...
The germination and field emergence of onion did not significantly varied between coated and pelleted seeds. The lowest number of seeds required per hectare was recorded for pelleted ...关键词:coating coatings film fungicides leeks market prices onions pelleting seed dressings seed quality ...
Heritability estimates (broad sense) were found to be high for bulb size, total solids and dry weight per hactare and moderate for ascorbic acid and yield per hectare. Bulb size, dry weight per hectare and total solids had high heritability together with a high genetic advance indicating the ...
The fertiliser doses of 100 kg N, 40 kg P2O5 and 40 kg K2O per hectare were applied as per recommendation in the region. The whole quantity of the P2O, K2O and half of N was applied a basal dose before transplanting. The balance half N was top dressed in two split doses after ...
The interaction between N at 244 kg/ha and high plant density (6 rows/ridge) increased total yield per hectare and nitrogen use efficiency in onion plants.Alkhateeb, Omar AbdullahBardisi, Abd AllahIsmail, HanyIbrahem, Sabreen Kh.Osman, Ali...