Yield Potential/ Acre 50 55 Qtl. (Approx) 国家: South Africa 型号: - 离岸价格: 90 ~ 140 / Kilogram ( Negotiable ) 获取最新报价 位置: South Africa 最小订单价格: 90 per Kilogram 最小订单: 18 Kilogram 包装细节: 50 GM , 100 GM , 250 GM 500 GM POUCH PACKING 50 GM , 100...
The average yield per acre was 41.69 quintals, each quintal fetching a price of Rs. 1833.00, resulting in gross returns of 76409. The cost of cultivation of onion was Rs.49,283.87 per acre of which the variable cost constituted 87.34 per cent and fixed cost constituted 12.66 per cent. ...
From 1925 to 1943, using flies for pollination, Jones developed crossbred onions with a higher yield per acre, uniform plants and bulbs, and greater resistance to disease. Some of his onions were three times the weight of the original bulbs from which they were bred. He headed research at ...
Based on interactions with farmers, the per quintal cost of producing processing variety potato is around INR 665. Item-wise details of costs are provided in Annexure 3.1. Based on an average yield of 321 quintals per hectare, returns ranging from INR 60,000 to INR 76,000 per hectare ...
Stand counts were taken Jun 1. Maggot damage was assessed by checking each row for wilted plants ca twice/week from the time of stand counts until harvest on Sep 21. Yield data were taken by pulling, topping, and weighing the onions in each 20-ft row. 展开 关键词:...
Askew:Yes. We typically ship until about late July. The yield last year wasn’t as high as usual. We had some heavy rains during the harvest. It impacted our yield, and all the farmers physically ran out in June. We shipped mainly from May 1 until about June 20. ...
Yield of marketable onions, number of onions, and number of bulbs damaged by onion maggot were evaluated from 10 row-ft in the center of each plot on 21 Aug.GrafiusDepartment of Entomology Michigan State University East LansingE.Department of Entomology Michigan State University East Lansing...
Tebuconazole was the most effective fungicide, increasing marketable yield in many cases by over 5 metric tons per acre and reducing disease incidence by 60%. Two other fungicides, penthiopyrad and fluopyram, also significantly increased marketable yield. Boscalid and fludioxonil were not effective in ...
EN 18133 granular formulation was also very effective but caused a slight delay in germination without, however, affecting the stand or decreasing the yield to any extent. Ethion, Trithion and Guthion granular formulations as furrow treatments at either 1 or 2 pounds toxicant per acre, and also...
per pound of seed gave as good control of the onion maggot as any other treatment, was not phytotoxic, and gave the highest yield of marketable onions each year. Lindane, 25 per cent wettable powder, applied three times at 10-day intervals to the soil surface at 1lb. of toxicant per ...