首先,我们要始终牢记,“中国方案”的英译受众是外国读者,而不是中国读者。可惜,很多时候人们总是不自觉地忽视这一关键前提。翻译出来的东西,如果国内的官员或学者觉得好,不明真相的群众也就跟着叫好。 你可知“One Belt, One Road” 在不少外国读者听来很别扭?英国《经济学人》在最近的一篇文章中指出,这个译法...
China put forward the one belt, one road initiative in 2013, whose primary significance lies in its economic connotation, followed by its political influence. The "one belt, one road" initiative includes a major initiative to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and a major proposal for the twent...
它的缺点是,作为一个“中国方案”的术语表达,这个译法略显啰嗦。 正因为这些优点,官方于2015年9月钦定“Belt and Road”为标准译法之外,还建议“可视情使用the land and maritime Silk Road initiative”。 回头看,这么一个志在名扬四海、惠及世界的重量级“...
One Belt, One Road,简称“OBOR” Belt and Road,简称“B&R” Land and maritime Silk Road programs 第一个版本属于逐字逐译,是最早流行的译法。直到现在,不少外媒还习惯用这个表述。曾有学者倾向于使用OBOR,认为这样书写比较美观,“两个O”圆形饱满,表示“一带一路”是政治中立的,强调要汇聚智慧。
正是在这样的背景下,官方于2015年正式采用"Belt and Road"为标准译法,并鼓励使用"the land and maritime Silk Road initiative"。官方的决策背后,是对“一带一路”包容性与合作精神的强调,以及对消除误解的考量。它避免了"One Belt, One Road"给国际受众带来的可能误读,如给人一种强制性的印象...
SKOPJE, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- "The role of human capital in the One Belt, One Road initiative" was the motto of the Third China-Central and Eastern Europe Conference on Cross-Cultural Dialogue, Education and Business that ended on Saturday in the Macedonian town Ohrid. ...
THE One Belt, One Road Initiative (OBOR) first proposed by the Chinese government in 2013 is one of the most fascinating and ambitious interregional cooperation projects worldwide. It is truly “megaregional” in its aim to involve up to 65 countries and represent about 70 ...
One Belt, One Road,简称“OBOR” Belt and Road,简称“B&R” Land and maritime Silk Road programs沈阳翻译 第一个版本属于逐字逐译,是最早流行的译法。直到现在,不少外媒还习惯用这个表述。曾有学者倾向于使用OBOR,认为这样书写比较美观,“两个O”圆形饱满,表示“一带一路”...
"The role of human capital in the One Belt, One Road initiative" was the motto of the Third China-Central and Eastern Europe Conference on Cross-Cultural Dialogue, Education and Business that ended on Saturday in the Macedonian town Ohrid. Although the infrastructure is important, the "One ...