The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also known asthe One Belt and One Road Initiative (OBOR), is a development strategy proposed by Chinese Government that focuses on connectivity and cooperation between Eurasian countries. It is short for the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Mariti...
One Belt, One Road 一带一路 "One belt, one road" is a development strategy started by the Chinese government in 2013. It refers to the New Silk Road Economic Belt, which will link China with Europe through Central and Western Asia, ...
“One belt, one road” is a development strategy started by the Chinese government in 2013. It refers to the New Silk Road Economic Belt, which will link China with Europe through Central and Western Asia, and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which will connect China with Southeast Asian...
One Belt, One Road: an economic roadmap report One Belt, One Road: an economic roadmap explores the economic topography of seven global regions and profiles 44 individual countries covered by OBOR, using real-world case studies and forward-looking assessments rooted in our rigorous methodologies....
One Belt, One Road "One belt, one road" is a development strategy started by the Chinese government in 2013. It refers to the New Silk Road Economic Belt, which will link China with Europe through Central and Western Asia, and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which will connect China...
We can see from the spread of the map that the "one belt and one way" runs through the Eurasian continent, one of which is an active East Asian economic circle, and the other is the developed European economic circle. The European Union in the north-south line of the Atlantic has a ...
One Belt One Road精品PPT课件 OneBeltOneRoad 小组成员:陈雯欣董晶淼文阶银罗盛鑫 CONTENT PartOne:What'sthe"OneBeltOneRoad"strategy?PartTwo:WhydoChinawanttocarryoutthisstrategy?PartThree:Howdothegovernmentpushthisstrategy?PartFour:WhatpossiblechallengeswillChinaface?one第一章 Part What'sthe"OneBeltOneRoad...
One Belt, One Road 一带一路 一带一路是中央政府于2013年提出的新型发展战略,是丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的简称,前者横贯欧亚大陆,途径多个中国内陆城市;后者连接中国,东盟与非洲和欧洲国家。一带一路并没有明确的地理界限,它是一个路线图,标明中国未来进一步融入世界经济和扩大影响力的发展计划。...
The event aims to examine the dramatic shift in China's recent geopolitical strategies and China's rising international role through an academic approach, specifically focusing on the centre piece initiative of China's new geopolitical agenda — the "One Belt One Road" (OBOR) initiative....
One Belt One RoadBelt and Road InitiativeBibliometric analysisFrequency and co-occurrence analysisResearch trendsThe aim of the "One Belt and One Road" (OBOR) project proposed by China is to encourage extension of global value chains, facilitateregional integration and increase efficient resource ...