One interest will produce a scientific book, the other a fairy-story. Drama cannot well cope with either.引自On Fairy Stories 老头这段话有点意思。加强drama的部分确实很容易淡化fantasy的背景,不论它存不存在。而且感觉喜好抓马的人类比喜好设定的人类多多了= = (《辩论》虽然是充满了抓马的背景讨论,...
作者:J. R. R. Tolkien 书名:On Fairy-stories《论神话》 英文简介:J.R.R. Tolkien's On Fairy-stories is his most-studied and most-quoted essay, an exemplary personal statement of his own views on the role of imagination in literature, and an intellectual tour de force vital for understandi...
翻译课作业要求译一篇文章,刚好手头有托老的《On Fairy-stories》,又刚好想起以前曾受惠于一些民间的译文(比如以前写本科论文时参考了魔戒中文维基上的《翻译指南》和一些托尔金的信件,那时真是欣喜若狂),遂读了原文几遍就初生牛犊不怕虎地译起来了。行至中途,方知译事艰险,托尔金所用的数十个典故我几乎闻所未闻...
Tolkien on Fairy-Stories 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 A new expanded edition of Tolkien's most famous, and most important essay, which defined his conception of fantasy as a literary form, and which led to the writing of The Lord of the Rings. Accompanied by a critical study of th...
ONFAIRY-STORIES IPROPOSEtospeakaboutfairy-stories,thoughIamawarethatthisisarashadventure.Faerieisa perilousland,andinitarepitfallsfortheunwaryanddungeonsfortheoverbold.AndoverboldI maybeaccounted,forthoughIhavebeenaloveroffairy-storiessinceIlearnedtoread,andhaveat timesthoughtaboutthem,Ihavenotstudiedthemprofession...
offairystories, according to Tolkien, are vast and unwilling to divulge their secrets cooperatively. As such, Tolkien seeks to dissect the inner workings of fairy stories by attempting to answer the questions: what is a fairy story, where is its origin, and finally what is the use of a ...
Readings On Fairy Stories /. &!)29 34/2)%3 *o 2o 2o 4IFEC?H 1 Readings On Fairy Stories /H &;CLS 3NILC?M I PROPOSE to speak about fairy-stories, though I am aware that this is a rash adventure. Faerie is a perilous land, and in it are pitfalls for the unwary and ...
考察文意,nations似乎更恰当,这表明现在所有的On Fairy-stories通行本都印错了。81段 Each leaf, of oak and ash and thorn, is a unique embodiment of the pattern这里宜指出, 橡树、梣树和山楂树都是仙灵喜欢的圣树,常被并称。它们也在《霍比特人》末章的精灵歌谣中被并称。89段 ‘The march of ...
Damsel is not your average fairy tale. It's an action-packed adventure about survival… and vengeance. Ray Winstone, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Angela Bassett, and Robin Wright also star in this entertaining twist on the damsel-in-distress narrative. — Kristina Grosspietsch, Freelance ContributorHow ...