在关卡编辑器中选择要为其添加事件的“Box_StaticMesh_1” Actor,切换到关卡蓝图编辑器。 右击图表,勾选菜单中的“情境关联”,最上方出现“Add Event for Box Static Mesh 1 ” 项目。展开后,在u碰撞”中找到并选择“添加On Actor begin Overlap”菜单项。
“OnActorBeginOverlap”节点将在指定的Actor与其他Actor重叠的瞬间发生。与OnActorHit不同的是,该事件只发生一次。这之后Actor之间分开再接触的话也不会再发生。 该节点中,除了exec输出项外还预备有 “Other Actor”这一输出项。从这里可以获取对象Actor。
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UE4在OnComponentBeginOverlap上铸造OtherActor UE4是指Unreal Engine 4,是一款由Epic Games开发的跨平台游戏引擎。OnComponentBeginOverlap是UE4中的一个事件函数,用于处理碰撞检测中组件开始重叠的情况。在该事件中,可以通过OtherActor参数获取与当前组件重叠的其他物体的引用。 在UE4中,OnComponentBeginOverlap事件常用于处...
void OnOverlapBegin(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult); void OnOverlapEnd(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitive...
Right-clickonTriggeragain and chooseAdd Event -> Add OnComponentEndOverlap. These two Event nodes should be added to the graph. Drag off theOther Actorpin of the Begin Overlap node and search for and add theCast To FirstPersonCharacternode. ...
Learn how the famed comedian, singer, and actor first made his name as a stand-up comic and then went on to define some of the most well-known Blaxploitation epics of the ‘70s, starting with Dolemite. Fun, funny, and stacked with a staggeringly talented cast, this is one of the ...