您正在阅读的是 18.1.版本。关于最新版本,请前往WorkspaceManager_Err-OffGridObject((Off-Grid Object))_AD 阅读 21版本 Parent category:Violations Associated with Others Default report mode: Summary This violation occurs when an object is not aligned to the current Snap grid. ...
Off grid<ObjectIdentifier> at<Location> where: ObjectIdentifieridentifies the specific object that is currently off-grid. The identifier is composed of the object's type and its name/designator (e.g.,Pin <PinDesignator>). Locationis the X,Y coordinates for the object's electric...
方法一(有人说有用,但对于我来说没用,我放弃) 1、在原理图中右键打开Preferences。 2、将中间红框的那两行全部取消√。 3、取消完毕后,先点Apply,再点OK。 4、结果如下,并没有什么用~~~ 方法二(亲测可用) 1、依旧右键、打开红色框。 2、进入警告和错误报导选择,拉到下面,找到Off gird object选项,左...
Altium Designer进行电路工程设计时需先完成原理图绘制,绘制完成的原理图需进行规则编译,提示如下警告信息“Off grid Power Object GND at 688.42mm, 434.38mm”。 经过对工程编译的警告信息梳理发现,出现较多…
离网对象 在Protel的dxp
在使用Altium Designer进行电路工程设计时,需首先完成原理图绘制,随后进行规则编译。若编译过程中出现“Off grid Power Object GND at 688.42mm, 434.38mm”的警告信息,这通常表示电路中的某个地线节点位于非预期的网格位置上,导致编译出错。通过分析,发现类似警告信息在工程编译过程中较为常见,如图1...
图Off—grid object设置 图off grid pin问题和Off grid NetLabel问题
图Off—grid object设置 图off grid pin问题和Off grid NetLabel问题
In a perfect world where money was no object, we would just install the most efficient component at every stage of the design, but this Blog series is dealing specifically with a low budget and simplified system. We will have to be choosy about where we spend our money to gain efficiency...
AD软件在使用过程中提示“offgridpin”的警告,并不是原理图电气连接出问题了,而是元器件或者器件PIN脚没有和栅格对齐造成的原因,解决办法如下: (1)打开AD... with Others”-“off-gridobject”-鼠标右键点击-“被选关闭” 你所不知的grid网格布局