Altium Designer进行电路工程设计时需先完成原理图绘制,绘制完成的原理图需进行规则编译,提示如下警告信息“Off grid Power Object GND at 688.42mm, 434.38mm”。 经过对工程编译的警告信息梳理发现,出现较多类似上述的编译警告信息,详见图1。 图1 Altium Desgner 编译提示“Off Grid...” 采用以下方法予以解决: 图...
在使用Altium Designer进行电路工程设计时,需首先完成原理图绘制,随后进行规则编译。若编译过程中出现“Off grid Power Object GND at 688.42mm, 434.38mm”的警告信息,这通常表示电路中的某个地线节点位于非预期的网格位置上,导致编译出错。通过分析,发现类似警告信息在工程编译过程中较为常见,如图1...
“工程选项”命令,或者执行菜单命令“工程-工程选项”,单击“ErrorReporting”选项卡,进入原理图编译参数设置窗口,将“Offgrid object”设置为不报告即可,如图3-168所示。 图3-168Offgrid object的设置 凡亿_PCB2021-08-28 14:49:51 Zedboard的uboot编译,提示Your GCC is older than 6.0 and is notsupported ...
The area of inner and outer skin layers (0.03 mm depth and 80 mm length) are mapped in a square grid; the other adjacent areas (air, tube, etc.) are free triangular meshed. Two skin layers Sensors 2016, 16, 1529 4 of 14 are divided into 10 layers in the depth direction and 80 ...
Research on 3D Lightweight Engine Technology for Power Grid Service Scenarios. In International Conference on Intelligent and Interactive Systems and Applications; Springer: Cham, Germany, 2018; pp. 264–269. 23. STL File Format. Available online: ...