Altium Designer进行电路工程设计时需先完成原理图绘制,绘制完成的原理图需进行规则编译,提示如下警告信息“Off grid Power Object GND at 688.42mm, 434.38mm”。 经过对工程编译的警告信息梳理发现,出现较多类似上述的编译警告信息,详见图1。 图1 Altium Desgner 编译提示“Off Grid...” 采用以下方法予以解决: 图...
在使用Altium Designer进行电路工程设计时,需首先完成原理图绘制,随后进行规则编译。若编译过程中出现“Off grid Power Object GND at 688.42mm, 434.38mm”的警告信息,这通常表示电路中的某个地线节点位于非预期的网格位置上,导致编译出错。通过分析,发现类似警告信息在工程编译过程中较为常见,如图1...
Living off-grid has different meanings for different people based on how they see the world. The reasons for living off-grid will have more to do with your own world view than how someone else defines living off-grid. Knowing yourself and how you place values on life will help you to de...
GridContainer 组件参考(兼容JS的类Web开发范式-ArkUI.Full) 组件通用信息 通用属性 通用样式 通用事件 通用方法 动画样式 渐变样式 转场样式 媒体查询 自定义字体样式 原子布局 容器组件 badge dialog div form list list-item list-item-group panel pop...
The term “off the grid” describes a structure which is not connected to the electrical grid or other public utilities. People most commonly use this term to describe an autonomous house, a house which is capable of functioning all on its own, although technically buildings and other structures...
Gotoky Communication 正在 Kickstarter 上為 GOTOKY. Most advanced private off-grid communication network 籌款! Voice&Texts, Emergency Location Beacon-call for help, Mesh network, live off-line tracking, route recording.. no mobile network needed.
The Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™*uses offline maps, so you’ll be able to navigate while off the grid, even in areas without a cell-phone signal. In addition to displaying directions on the 9-inch color touch-screen, it also features lane guidance to help you prepare for up...
2.1.130 Part 1 Section 17.4.17, gridSpan (Grid Columns Spanned by Current Table Cell) 2.1.131 Part 1 Section 17.4.18, header (Header Cell Reference) 2.1.132 Part 1 Section 17.4.19, headers (Header Cells Associated With Table Cell) 2.1.133 Part 1 Section 17.4.20, h...
Survival knives, on the other hand, are generally much more versatile, while still being largely engineered for off-grid use. Because they’re made for survival use, these knives need to be conducive to a much wider range of applications that one may face when long or stranded out in natur...
[Warning]Sheet1.SchDocCompilerOff grid Pin -2 at 9430mil,5360mil12:50:572013-8-216[Warning]Sheet1.SchDocCompilerOff grid Net Label RXD at 5980mil,6050mil12:50:572013-8-217[Warning]Sheet1.SchDocCompilerOff grid Power Object VCC at 6630mil,6700mil12:50:57...