Altium Designer进行电路工程设计时需先完成原理图绘制,绘制完成的原理图需进行规则编译,提示如下警告信息“Off grid Power Object GND at 688.42mm, 434.38mm”。 经过对工程编译的警告信息梳理发现,出现较多类似上述的编译警告信息,详见图1。 图1 Altium Desgner 编译提示“Off Grid...” 采用以下方法予以解决: 图...
在使用Altium Designer进行电路工程设计时,需首先完成原理图绘制,随后进行规则编译。若编译过程中出现“Off grid Power Object GND at 688.42mm, 434.38mm”的警告信息,这通常表示电路中的某个地线节点位于非预期的网格位置上,导致编译出错。通过分析,发现类似警告信息在工程编译过程中较为常见,如图1...
Real world images often have highly imbalanced content density. Some areas are very uniform, e.g., large patches of blue sky, while other areas are scattered with many small objects. Yet, the commonly used successive grid downsampling strategy in convolutional deep networks treats all areas equal...
Living off-grid has different meanings for different people based on how they see the world. The reasons for living off-grid will have more to do with your own world view than how someone else defines living off-grid. Knowing yourself and how you place values on life will help you to de...
The scroll bar size can also be determined by the bottom right position of a worksheet object. That object could be a comment/notes box, a chart or shape, etc. The scroll bars must be big enough to enable the user to view the full width or height of these objects. ...
GridContainer 组件参考(兼容JS的类Web开发范式-ArkUI.Full) 组件通用信息 通用属性 通用样式 通用事件 通用方法 动画样式 渐变样式 转场样式 媒体查询 自定义字体样式 原子布局 容器组件 badge dialog div form list list-item list-item-group panel pop...
The Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™*uses offline maps, so you’ll be able to navigate while off the grid, even in areas without a cell-phone signal. In addition to displaying directions on the 9-inch color touch-screen, it also features lane guidance to help you prepare for up...
GridContainer 组件参考(兼容JS的类Web开发范式-ArkUI.Full) 组件通用信息 通用属性 通用样式 通用事件 通用方法 动画样式 渐变样式 转场样式 媒体查询 自定义字体样式 原子布局 容器组件 badge dialog div form list list-item list-item-group panel popup refr...
[Warning]Sheet1.SchDocCompilerOff grid Pin -2 at 9430mil,5360mil12:50:572013-8-216[Warning]Sheet1.SchDocCompilerOff grid Net Label RXD at 5980mil,6050mil12:50:572013-8-217[Warning]Sheet1.SchDocCompilerOff grid Power Object VCC at 6630mil,6700mil12:50:57...
Survival knives, on the other hand, are generally much more versatile, while still being largely engineered for off-grid use. Because they’re made for survival use, these knives need to be conducive to a much wider range of applications that one may face when long or stranded out in natur...