Off the Beaten Track 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Off the Beaten Track 电子书 图书目录 下载链接在页面底部 下载链接1 下载链接2 下载链接3 facebook linkedin mastodon messenger pinterest reddit telegram twitter viber vkontakte whatsapp 复制链接 想要找书就要到 本本书屋
off the beaten track be in a place where few people visit 偏僻的,人迹罕至的 (适用于雅思口语holiday, quiet/relaxing place等话题)The great vacation spot we found was completelyoff the beaten track. 我们找到的这个绝佳度假胜地很偏僻。 We stayed in a nice little Italian restaurant which was c...
"Off the beaten track" 是一个英语成语,意思是远离常规路线或主流旅游路线,探索不那么知名或不那么拥挤的地方。这个短语通常用来描述旅行目的地或活动,强调它们的独特性和非商业化。 与"off the beaten track" 搭配的动词可以有很多,以下是一些例子: Explore- 探索未被...
所谓“beaten track”指的是众多旅行者经常走的热门路线,而“off the beaten track”则暗示你正在探索那些偏僻、独特、甚至有点神秘的目的地。这一表达既可以用来描述实际地理位置的偏远,也能比喻两个事物之间存在极大的差距(例如,某个作品与另一部作品相比差距悬殊)。“Beaten track” 源于旅行时代,当大量旅客...
Despite its rich history, Iran still lies off the beaten track for most travellers. Here are a few places to visit before the secret is out.
off the be... adj Synonyms for off the beaten track adjremote from populous or much-traveled regions Synonyms out-of-the-way Related Words far Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
1. They live miles off the beaten track. 他们住在偏远地带。 2. His colleagues are planning to go somewhere off the beaten track for the summer holidays. 他的同事们正计划到不大有人去的地方度暑假。 (解释,例句和图片来自网络) 昨天的...
Max Verstappen: Off the Beaten Track的剧情简介· ··· An intimate portrait of Max Verstappen, which shows aspects of his life that remain largely hidden. Max Verstappen: Off the Beaten Track的演职员· ···(全部 2) 马克斯·维斯塔潘自己 约斯·维斯...