2018年4月5日经济合作与发展组织发布了最新版的该项目的立场文件“OECD:The future of education and skills - Education 2030”。这份立场文件描述了该项目工作的首个结果,即《OECD学习框架 2030》。早期《OECD学Vol.23,No.3 Jun.2018第23卷 第3期 2018年6月开放学习研究Journal of Open Learning【开放学习...
This thematic report is the culmination of the OECD's first comparative education policy focus on physical and health education in school systems around the world. Conductedunder the auspices of the OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 project as part of the International Curriculum Analysis, th...
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030_ The new “normal” in education 420 -- 57:13 App 现象式学习 Phenomenon-Based Learning with Donna Fields PhD 1872 3 10:48 App 30.微观粒子到宇宙 359 -- 3:00 App The Future of Work - Will Our Children Be Prepared? 1940 1 4:31 App 批判性...
[1]OECD.Direction for education and skills[EB/OL].(2018)[2019-03-10].http://www.oecd.org/education/oecd-education-2030-flyer-2019.pdf. [2]曹一鸣,马云鹏,郭衎,等.面向未来的初中数学课程图谱分析——以经济合作与发展组织(OECD)“学习框架2030”为基础[J].基础教育课程,2020(19):4-16. [3]王...
(The Future of Education and Skills Education 2030)的简要正式报告,概述了OECD近几年启动的“教育和技能的未来:2030项目”(也称“OECD 2030学习框架”)的框架(如下页图1所示)与相关进展,该项目重新审视新时代背景下的个人与社会发展需求,拓展核心素养的内涵,以求就构建2030新未来所需知识、...
本文在经济合作与发展组织(The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)"教育2030:未来的教育和技能"项目提出的"学习框架2030"下,对我国现行《义务教育化学课程标准(2011年版)》文本进行分析,采用课程图谱(Curriculum Content Mapping)项目提出的内容框架和能力素养框架构成课程标准分析的二维矩阵,将课程标...
Under the umbrella of The Future of Education and Skills: Education 2030, more than thirty countries, a range of interested organisations and many individual experts are considering what young people need to learn for a 2030 world. The project is multi-year: this analysis summarises the thinking...
为了应对未来世界的挑战,UNESCO与OECD分别于2015年与2019年发布了《2030年教育行动框架》和《OECD学习罗盘2030》.两者从目标、愿景和实施方式上体现了"原则指导"与"能力导向"的不同特点,但也存在彼此呼应的趋势.对UNESCO和OECD的教育2030蓝图进行分析和比较,可以更好地理解全球教育的未来走向. 著录项 来源 《世界教...
Higher Education Spaces and Places: For learning, innovation and knowledge exchange Organizational Matters and Conference Venue. Updated arrival information - flight connections with Riga. oecd.moex.com Круглыйстол РћРРЎР РїРѕ...
Higher Education Spaces and Places: For learning, innovation and knowledge exchange Organizational Matters and Conference Venue. Updated arrival information - flight connections with Riga. oecd.moex.com Круглыйстол РћРРЎР РїРѕ...