Oculus Link模式下与Oculus主界面并不相同。 使用Oculus Link模式可以在Unity直接运行查看VR效果,而不必每次都编译到头显上面,大大提高了工作效率。 (4)编译环境配置 直接上图,注意要选择安卓编译环境 Graphics APIs 要卸载OpenGL,Android API Level要大于5.0. (5)Unity URP管线设置 值得注意的是如果要应用官方的URP...
[XR][XRSDK][Link][Quest] intermittent crash caused by get_config call in Oculus Plugin Package: Oculus XR Plugin - Mar 19, 2020 Repro steps: 1. Open attached project 2. Enter Play Mode with Quest connected and Link set up 3. Grab and release the flower quickly for som...
不仅如此,最新版的Oculus Integration for Unity插件同样添加手势追踪功能,而且还支持Oculus Link模式下使用。 虽然这样的好处是,可以通过Unity获得Quest手势追踪数据。但是这并不能直接应用到PC VR应用中,也就是无法让Quest体验支持手势追踪的PC VR应用(Oculus Link模式)。 其中的原因在于,面向PC VR的Oculus Rift SDK...
Unity 2020.3.16f1 or greater Oculus Integration + Oculus Passthrough API (Tutorial About This Tech) Tello DJI Drone which communicates via UDP (Get the Tello DJI Drone) Two main scenes to look at for your own reference: StandaloneDroneClient.unity - the uses all components shown from the "...
This is a Unity App to control the Dobot-Magician Robotic Arm using an Oculus-Rift. This is an extension and meant to be used along with thegym-dobotenvironment. It was made using theMujoco Unity Integration Plugin. The main use-case is to collect human demonstrations with the Oculus which...
Unity将举办线上技术大会,邀中国开发者一起“创新思,享未来” Made with Unity中国榜单2020评选征集即将开启。 2020年9月24日,北京 —— 今日,实时3D内容创作和运营平台 Unity 宣布将于11月16日至20日举办“创新思,享未来”—— 中国 Unity 线上技术大会。此次大会的中心主旨为“创作”与“分享”,在为期五天的...
Unity から Editor 実行 エラー Unity Edtior から実行すると、 FMOD failed to initialize the output device.: "Error initializing output device. " (60) とエラーが発生した後に、AVPro からも以下エラーが発生した。 [AVProVideo] Error: Loading failed. File not found, codec not supported, ...
Unity Photon Experience I'm currently putting together a little multiplayer experience to help me practice using Unity Photon Pun2 in a Multi-Quest2 (VR) environment. [Day 1] - Initial Setup of Development Environment Unity Environment Oculus Developer Hub ...
An oculus VR game made from unity's car tutotial. Contribute to kablammyman/VirtualRacingChallenge development by creating an account on GitHub.