Note: this is always enabled when using the Oculus OpenXR Runtime. Symmetric Projection - If enabled, this allows the application to render with symmetric projection matrices. This can improve GPU performance when using multiview due to more common workloads between the left and right eye. ...
XrApi=OVRPluginOpenXR FoveatedRenderingLevel=Medium bAutoEnabled=False !SplashDescs=__ClearArray__ !SplashDescs=__ClearArray__ !SplashDescs=__ClearArray__ ColorSpace=P3 ControllerPoseAlignment=Default bSupportsDash=True bCompositesDepth=True bHQDistortion=False MetaXRJsonPath=(FilePath="") bDynami...
[/Script/OculusXRHMD.OculusXRHMDRuntimeSettings] bAutoEnabled=False XrApi=OVRPluginOpenXR ColorSpace=P3 ControllerPoseAlignment=Default bSupportsDash=True bCompositesDepth=True bHQDistortion=False bDynamicResolution=False PixelDensityMin=0.800000 PixelDensityMax=1.200000 SuggestedCpuPerfLevel=SustainedLow Suggest...
14/04 02:10:52.430 {INFO} [OVRServer] Set Oculus as Active OpenXR Runtime 14/04 02:10:52.434 {INFO} [HardwareManager] Obstruction changed: vrHardware 14/04 02:10:52.434 {INFO} [GraphicsPerformancePolicyController] {} 14/04 02:10:52.434 {INFO} [LifeCycle] OculusAppFramework::pcLockedEvent...
Note: this is always enabled when using the Oculus OpenXR Runtime. Symmetric Projection - If enabled, this allows the application to render with symmetric projection matrices. This can improve GPU performance when using multiview due to more common workloads between the left and right eye. ...
Open the generatedOPENXR.slnin VS In the C/C++ properties for projectopenxr_loader-1_0, changeRuntime LibrarytoMulti-threaded Debug (/MTd) Build the solution. This will perform an in-tree build of the OpenXR sdk and generate the loader library. ...
Oculus Interaction SDK showcase demonstrating the use of Interaction SDK in Unity with hand tracking for a fitness-style app. This project contains the code and assets used in the "Move Fast" demo available on App Lab. The Oculus SDK and other supporting