Hello, I am new to code and Seurat. When I create a Seurat object using the metadata obtained in geo, it is forced to turn to be NA ,only these columns remain:orig.ident;nCount_RNA;nFeature_RNA and nCount_RNA;nFeature_RNA turn to be NA. The warning message:In matrix(data = as....
library(Seurat)Men<-readRDS('Men.rds')chr_deg<-read.csv('chr_DEGs.csv')exprs<-data.frame(FetchData(object=Men,vars=chr_deg))exprs<-t(exprs)#行列变换write.csv(exprs,file='chr_DEGs_exprs.csv') FetchData: Access cellular data in SeuratObject: Data Structures for Single Cell Data (rdrr...
Hi everyone! I ran the seurat clustering and sctransform on my data till I reached RUNPCA and RUNUMAP but unlike the pbmc3k data,I don't get seurat-annotation in the output seurat object. consequently when I run levels(pbmc) I get the ce...
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9/index.jspCREATE DATABASE语法树 Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram >>-CREATE--+-DATABASE-+---> '-DB---' >---database-name--+---+--->< +-AT DBPARTITIONNUM---+ '-| Create Database options |-' Create Database options...
错误信息表明,as.data.frame.default函数在尝试将seurat对象转换为数据框时失败了。这是因为seurat对象并不是一个简单的数据框,而是一个复杂的S4对象,包含多个槽(slots),不能直接通过as.data.frame.default进行转换。 查找seurat对象的相关信息: seurat对象是由Seurat包定义的,这是一个用于单细胞基因表达数据分析的...
seurat-object-4.0.4/R/generics.R:179:CreateSeuratObject <- function( #泛型函数的定义 CreateSeuratObject <- function( counts, project = 'CreateSeuratObject', assay = 'RNA', names.field = 1, names.delim = '_', meta.data = NULL, ... ) { UseMethod(generic = 'CreateSeuratObject', obje...
data + 1) new.seurat.object <- SetAssayData( object = pbmc_small, slot = "counts", new.data = count.data, assay = "RNA" ) # Get the data directly from an Assay object GetAssayData(pbmc_small[["RNA"]], slot = "data")[1:5,1:5] # Set an Assay slot directly count.data <...
Tool(object = pbmc_small) ## Not run: sample.tool.output <- matrix(data = rnorm(n = 16), nrow = 4) # must be run from within a function Tool(object = pbmc_small) <- sample.tool.output ## End(Not run)SeuratObject Data Structures for Single Cell Data v4.0.1 GPL-3 AuthorsRahul...
...could anyone please help me...(T~T)...I can't live without a Seurat I use R4.3.2, Seurat v5, and I got the bug: Error in .local(x, na.rm, dims, ...) : object 'CRsparse_colSums' not found the same code and same data and same verson of ...