针对您提出的“error: cannot find 'umap' in this seurat object”问题,这里有几个可能的解决方案和检查步骤,帮助您解决这个问题: 确认'umap'是否已正确安装在环境中: 虽然UMAP通常作为Seurat包的一部分自动安装,但确保您的R环境中已安装并加载了Seurat包。您可以通过以下代码来安装和加载Seurat包: R if (!requi...
Error in DefaultAssay<-.Seurat(object = tmp, value = assay) : Cannot find assay SCT or When I try to see the cluster,=: DimPlot(object, reduction = "umap") The error: Error: Cannot find 'SCT' in this Seurat object What should I do? Thank you :) Collaborator saketkc commented Jul...
Error: Cannot find 'map' in this Seurat object Execution halted Collaborator yuhanH commented Nov 13, 2020 reference you downloaded from Azimuth should be a list. The list has an element called map, which is a seurat object. rownames(reference$map) should return 5000 variable genes. Could...
2020-05-03Error in RenameIdents.Seurat,Cannot find any of the provided identities Error in RenameIdents.Seurat(immune.combined,0= "Epithelial.0",1= "Epithelial.1", : Cannot find any of the provided identities 重启即可
It gives me the following error: Error: Cannot find 'Type' in this Seurat object (Indeed I can't find "Type" in the object metadata) I've even tried to skip this and go to the following slot(seurat, "meta.data")$cloneType <- factor(slot(seurat, "meta.data")$cloneType, ...
Error: Cannot find 'pca' in this Seurat What should I do to get rid of this error? should I run RunPCA beforeFindIntegrationAnchorsandScaleData? In this case when should I useDefaultAssay Would it not change any outcome? Thank you
Hello all, I am trying to learn how to use R for single-cell RNA seq using the Seurat guided tutorial (pbmc) but I can't even get started because the first function Read10x will not run no matter which version of it I try. I know there a...
The package version of Seurat is 3.0.2 I tried pip install umap-learn and even library("reticulate") use_condaenv(condaenv="Renv", conda="/Users/user/anaconda3/bin/conda") All showed umap is installed. But it still showed that it can not find umap. ...
Hello! I am wanting to run AddModuleScore() to an integrated dataset (I used the non-SCTransform pipeline), but it returns the following error: Error in sample.int(length(x), size, replace, prob) : cannot take a sample larger than the po...