The roots grow on or slightly below the surface of the ground and will often produce a shoot, especially if cut or damaged. Breadfruit is consumed primarily for its nutritional benefits and as a major source of carbohydrates. The fruits and seeds are good sources of carbohydrates, protein, ...
Beneficial uses of breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis): Nutritional, medicinal and other uses Breadfruit is consumed primarily for its nutritional benefits and as a major source of carbohydrates. The fruits and seeds are good sources of carbohydrates... N Badrie,J Broomes - 《Bioactive Foods in Promot...
Health Benefits of Jackfruit The pulp derived from the young fruits is used as vegetable that might be pickled or canned. It is used in making jam, chutney, jelly and paste. Its pulp is also used to flavor beverages and ice cream. The seeds are consumed roasted, boiled, dried or salted ...
4.3. Fibre profile of legume samples The interaction of dietary fibre with other bioactive constituents such as polyphenol significantly influence their physiological benefits, besides their fermentation in the large intestine which generates short chain fatty acids that serve as microbial fuel (Singh et ...
They can also offer health benefits due the composition of many bioactive compounds. The amount of carotenoids, α tocopherol, total phenols, zinc and iron in yam-based formulations depended on the color of the yam flesh. Βeta carotene was the major carotenoid present. The yellow-fleshed yam ...
There is a general consensus that increased dietary fiber has health benefits [69]; however, the addition of other carbohydrates (starches and sugars) must also be considered when discussing nutritional benefits. Another consideration here is the level of sodium in the meat analogue products, which...
(methionine and cysteine). The contents of these amino acids are higher in millet than in rice and wheat [9]. Health benefits such as decreasing tumor incidence, reduced blood pressure, cholesterol absorption, and prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer have been reported for millet. In ...