Leaves of breadfruit is clustered at end of branches and arranged spirally up the branchlets, on 8–12 cm petiole. Leaf blade 12–59 cm long by 10–47 cm wide, but juvenile leaves often larger, usually deeply pinnately lobed with up to 13 lobes cut from 1/3 to 4/5 of the way to...
But what are mulberries? Mulberries are the fruits of the mulberry trees. There are three species of mulberries based on their colour- white, red and black mulberry. They are related to figs and breadfruit and are usually available from March to May and October to November....
This variety has dark green and rounded leaf. It possesses small, round and green fruits with fleshy spines on its skin. When it matures, the spines become smooth and turn into golden to yellow. It has deep orange flesh which is soft to medium firm. Golden Pillow It was introduced from ...
I eat a banana every morning. It's full of potassium, and it prevents me from getting painful leg cramps. I also make banana smoothies, once the fruit has gotten extremely ripe. I blend a banana with a few scoops of vanilla yogurt and some milk, and it makes a delicious smoothie. I...
Tahitian chestnut together with coconuts and breadfruit are important staple food crops of the people of Polynesia and Micronesia. Raw and cooked kernels are important seasonal cash crop and are sold in domestic markets. In Fiji, cooked kernels are wrapped with the leaves when sold in the market...