好像没什么区别吧。Research associate, research assistant ,也都差不多。待遇问题你可以问这个老板。
Position 2: Research Assistant / Research Associate in NTU: Job scope:This is a full-time Research Assistant (with Honours degree) or Research Associate (with Master’s degree) position at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) under Dr. Sit Ji-Jon and A/P Lee Yee Hui....
Benefits over a Normal PhD Student:(i) The student will receive a higher salary compared to a ...
Application, salary etc: Appointment as a PhD Research Fellow is for three years. Employment stops automatically at the end of the period. The holder of the scholarship is not allowed to have other paid employment during the three-year period. The successful applicant will be employed in accorda...
These amounts do not include salary and overhead expenses for our internal research and development activities. Because of our commitment to product innovation, we plan to continue to commit resources to research and development in the future. As we invest in our ageLOC platform of products, we...