接受job offer:账户绑定之后,老师会给你发offer到nus邮箱,用邮箱里的链接接受offer。 申报小时数:在个人账户里点jobs找到对应job,点进去有个add new,点击申报。所报时间注意避开自己的上课时间,不然可能会被查。学校的发钱效率很高,老师审批后,我一般三天就能拿到。 校外勤工俭学 🍜至于校外勤工俭学,坡坡(新加...
Location Name Singapore Allowance / Remuneration $200 - 1,500 (project /contract based) Company Profile Our AI-based voice analytics technology drives our digital solutions in the mental health industry; at scale. Job Description We are seeking a detail-oriented Research Assistant, who will be res...
Position 1: Research Assistant / Research Associate in NUS: Job scope:This full-time Research Assistant (with Honours degree) or Research Associate (with Master’s degree) position will ideally also be enrolled as a part-time PhD student at the NUS Department of Geography, working with A/P W...
NUS Cities is a multi-disciplinary, open and inclusive collaborating platform comprising the following three pillars: education, research and advisory; drawing on the varied talent and expertise of the university in its colleges, faculties and departments and centres of excellence. ...
Research: Taking a systems approach tacking some of our biggest urban challenges, and in the process, gradually developing a Science of Cities. dvisory: Provide strategic advisory services to organisations and cities. NUS Cities will also partner other universities and research institutions locally and...
NJC Research Department 来了NJ不做一下research,就无法领略NJ的强势之处。Research是NJ少数搞得风生水起的项目,学校非常重视,每年很多人在SSEF 得奖。相比起来,学科竞赛学校就很不重视,得奖的人很少,可能学校也觉得培养不起来这方面的人才? 无论是H3 Research Programme还是Nanyang Research Programme, NJ都会从自己...
Research assistant 117 Tenure Track 114 Other 111 Management / Leadership 63 Jobs by country Germany 369 Belgium 357 Sweden 177 Switzerland 124 The Netherlands 104 France 97 Finland 83 Luxembourg 75 Morocco 74 Austria 68 Jobs by employer IU International University o... 214 ...
Alternative measures of labor underutilization 2014 Annual Average U-1: Persons unemployed 15 weeks or longer, as a percent of the civilian labor force. U-2: Job losers and persons who completed temporary jobs, as a percent of the civilian labor force. U-3: Total unemployed, as a percent ...
NUS Cities is a multi-disciplinary, open and inclusive collaborating platform comprising the following three pillars: education, research and advisory; drawing on the varied talent and expertise of the university in its colleges, faculties and departments and centres of excellence. ...
Research: Taking a systems approach tacking some of our biggest urban challenges, and in the process, gradually developing a Science of Cities. Advisory: Provide strategic advisory services to organisations and cities. NUS Cities will also partner other universities and research institutions locally and...