Our AI-based voice analytics technology drives our digital solutions in the mental health industry; at scale. Job Description We are seeking a detail-oriented Research Assistant, who will be responsible for various aspects of the research, including data collection and cleaning, as well as particip...
关注公众号,获取更多AI领域发展机会 新加坡国立大学NUS ECE学院Prof. Xinchao Wang计划招收数名PhD students, Research Fellow, Research Assistant, Visiting Students。 招收人员的研究主题集中在Interpretable Learning, Multimodal Learning, Backbone Design, Graph Neural Network等。 有意者可发送您的简历至:xinchao@nu...
新加坡国立大学NUS ECE学院Prof. Xinchao Wang计划招收数名PhD students, Research Fellow, Research Assistant, Visiting Students。 招收人员的研究主题集中在Interpretable Learning, Multimodal Learning, Backbone Design, Graph Neural Network等。 有意者可发送您的简历至:xinchao@nus.edu.sg Prof. Xinchao Wang目前是...
RMIT的social media ambassador 一个RMIT教授的research assistant(主要研究方向是AI对于制造业中人力资源管理的影响因素) 【Timeline】 2018.10.31 交出申请表,具体时间其实记得不是很清楚,当时就是随便想找一个新加坡的学校看看没有G的专业,NUS里就这一个。看了课程设置后简直爱了,于是我就填了申请表,但是其实当时...
联系的NUS fulltime research assistant+partime PhD(2-3year)的教授,约在HKU面谈。希望到时候不要...
CLAassistant Follow 秋刀鱼谷 Variante 整活用账号,科研相关的在其他账号。 Bilibili: 823532 Follow 鹤翔万里 TonyCrane Senior@ZJU / CTFer@AAA / Maintainer @manim-kindergarten Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China Follow Surge AI surge-ai The world's most powerful data labeling platform, ...
David经常说:companies change. 记得18年那会儿,金老师本人也说:AI的泡沫一定是有时效性的,对年轻人来说的“好日子”最多还有个三年吧。当然他估计也预见不到后来的新冠(还有接踵而来的国际局势变革),让美国经济大衰退,他自己最近也从阿里达摩院离职了。
“问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来”,通过前沿领域知识的学习,从其他研究领域得到启发,对研究问题的本质有更清晰的认识和理解,是自我提高的不竭源泉。为此,我们特别精选论文阅读笔记,开辟“源头活水”专栏,帮助你广泛而深入的阅读科研文献,敬请关注。 随着年初ChatGPT的爆红,多模态领域也涌现出一大批可以处理多种模...
Oana Taut is a Romanian architect and computational designer specialised in the field of AI in architecture. She obtained a Master’s Degree in Advanced Architecture from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. Oana is the founder of BuildFlow where she leads the research of generative...
Fully-funded PhD/Postdoc/Research Assistant positions are available in Dr. Wang Yan's group at the department of ocean science, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Research topics revolve around ocean turbulence, waves, and circulation. close collaborations with UCLA and University ...